Try and bring someone else to the board who has money...surely the circles they operate in have rich friends or colleagues
I posed pretty much the same question as a question for FAB. Not sure if it was asked. I’ve checked the minutes for most recent meetings but can’t see anything about it.
Because football clubs are money pits. If you have no affiliation to the area and aren’t willing to spend around £100m to get to the Premier League it’s not a good idea. These people didn’t become rich by making bad investments and frivolously throwing money away unfortunately.
Good question that. Seen a few clubs do it now although it tends to be for relatively small amounts, Lincoln as an example did it last year with Ron Fowler investing. Used to own San Diego Sockers & Padre. They also did it the year before too with a couple more Americans. Edit it helps them that they have Landon Donovan on board and the people who are investing seem to have an interest in sports. Perhaps our owners know businessmen who are not so much sports fans.
An American business man that lives near Harrogate tried 3 or 4 times to buy the club but Nareev wouldn’t sell. This was last season.
As we operate at a loss every year how would they get a return on their investment? This is how potential investors would look at the situation. There's 3 ways of looking at it really. Option 1 You'd have to dramatically cut costs, you'd be giving the head coach in all honesty a L2 wage bill, making redundancies, closing the academy and the likelihood is making the product less competitive and probably relegation and still not break even. Option 2 Dramatically increase turnover by about 6m that would be about twice where we are currently at, we would need 23k a game in an 19k stadium due to restrictions to sell everything twice as much at higher costs and ask Sky for an extra wedge. Option 3 Chuck a load of money at it gambling on promotion, so that would mean funding the current loses of 6m to keep the existing set up running then start spending additional which in turn would also increase wages, knowing full well even promotion to the championship wouldn't deliver us as a profitable enterprise. We don't own our stadium either so from an investors view point we've absolutely nothing to offer that could potentially give them a return on investment other than getting lucky and getting 2 promotions to the PL on a shoestring.
I thought Gally would be on the board by now. Fan, loves the club, absolutely seriously minted; estate in North Yorkshire ........ Needs to happen.
If they call it a day we'd go under without someone else funding the loses. Why are they here originally? we were a championship club who I truly believe Conway & Lee sold the idea to the likes of Nareev that we could be the next Brentford operating the moneyball system and an academy that would deliver conveyer belts of young talent, by the point of relegation from the championship and Conway's wrecklessness it was evident there was a big split in the camp with the ousting of Conway and Lee, with dilution of shares and influence. They've made a mess of things from a footballing perspective but have been wrestling with costs from day 1, like many others I do think they care but they need to have a serious look and perform a reset of their philosophy.
What's Ryan Reynolds and his mates link to Wrexham then investors are out there if you look for them.
I seem to remember the question as to whether or not they were seeking additional investment was met with the response that it would be discussed at the next meeting which led me to believe that the answer was 'Yes but we can't announce it just yet.'
I got slated on here around October time last year for saying the same thing, one of the comments was "who would want to buy us, name them", "have you got the money to buy us?". People on here are willing to accept and excuse those in charge even though they are incapable of running this football club. I started calling out the ownership last summer and called for them to go, they should get the club marketed for sale cut their losses and go because they are making a real mess of things.
I heard the bloke who owns DIY kitchens who has wakey trinity tried to buy the club years ago before Lee and Co. Not sure how much truth is in that.
I think they need to speculate to accumulate the club has potential but in this league it's wasted. Look at the post from other day when we played Blackburn at home in 2000 with over 18k fans at oakwell.
They used there celebrity status very well with a well executed plan with the documentary, upto that point their hadn't been a non league club upto that point doing a documentary. They sold 50k shirts which helped offset their initial outlay, they also own the stadium which gives them wiggle room. I think they realised that at the peak of the documentary additional investment would be needed with the Allyn family investing as well, all said and done they are still £8m lighter in the pocket.
You’ve picked one case there in the football league. It also was someone else wasn’t it? Can’t remember who. They invested in a club who were being sold for buttons, falling down stadium and are creating a rags to riches tale that Hollywood can buy into. There are probably 50 teams and that’s without dipping into The National League who weren’t as lucky as to get that investment. Plenty of clubs being bought by basket cases and run horrifically and unfortunately we are one of them.
I think this needs to be said. The current owners ARE investing. They are pumping £5-8m a year into the club to keep it afloat. I'll criticise them for many things, but they can't be faulted that they are doing that. What is essentially being asked is that they put in even more of their own money to have a crack at promotion. And this season, we have Birmingham, Huddersfield and Wrexham, all paying some serious money for players to have a shot at promotion. Only 3 can go up, and there are quite a few teams you'd fancy going up ahead of us too. As for why they are here. Well frankly, they were spun a yarn and they swallowed it. They took the chance to remove Lee and Conway, thinking they'd have control to do better and that's not proven to be the case so far. But the world is very different as to why they first appeared. They saw us one step on the ladder from a massive pay day and incredible opportunity, and you have to say, incredibly we were a handful of games away from just that. They have the option. They can carry on ploughing in £5m+ a year to subsidise this atrophy, pay more in hope, cut costs to break even, or just be done and not have to throw good money after bad. I don't envy them at all, however much of a pigs ear they are making of it, I think we have to respect they aren't letting us go bust.
Unless you've concrete evidence of somone wanting to come in and keep writing cheques then we are in a precarious position, it's no point just keep saying someone would buy us because for every Wrexham there is a Bury. I get people are peed off especially after losing 3 on the bounce mate but as much as its frustrating people do need to realise the gravity of the situation, I'm not trying to sound patronising apologies if I am but the reality check is L1 probably somewhere between 6-12th, all the ranting in the world won't change things without cash.