Can dogs be off lead in Locke Park? Any specific areas (apart from kids play areas of course) where they can’t?
Dogs are welcome in Locke Park, a Victorian park in South Yorkshire. Dogs can be off-leash in some areas of the park. It's recommended to keep dogs on a lead in busy areas. How you identify which areas, no idea.
Yeah, I saw that. Wondered if someone had been and could advise further. I’m hoping for a lift to the match and trying to convince husband that he could combine it into a dog walk for Betsy.
The area around the back of the North Stand is brilliant for Dog walking and can keep him busy for the duration of the match. Dearne Valley Park. Plenty of other dog walkers there but it’s easy to find quiet areas where your dog can roam around unleashed.
Yeah you can have them off lead...the kids area is fenced off and only there an in front of the cafe is usually busy.
Only area to keep a dog on a lead is around the playground/cafe. Even then, you don't have to, just makes sense to. Rest of the park is off lead dog heaven. It's a lovely park. It's big, well maintained, all round excellent.
Yeah absolutely fine. Plenty do - big open fields near car park & tower. Bit of wooded area round back too. We live near and you take for granted how good it is.
There's a car park and really nice walk down near where the Dearne Grove & White Bear pubs used to be on Pontefract Road...I haven't been down there for many years so I can't comment on the dog situation though.
What’s the best way to walk from Courthouse to enter that area? Or is there a car park that won’t be full of football traffic?
They can but just a word of caution, I've personally had bad experiences with some nasty breeds and gormless / aggressive owners, I think cos you can drive and park up it attracts the type that let their dog run wild whilst not giving a fk. Wilthorpe Park is a nice experience imho.
You can access from Twibell street or via Pontefract Road further down towards Cundy Cross where there is a free car park. I’ve parked at Mill of the Black Monks before and walked up towards the ground and back.
He decided to do Locke Park for the cafe but it was full so that didn’t work out. He got some lovely photos though. Then they happened to walk past the Barnsley Blind and Partially Sighted Association on the way back so obviously he had to take a pic there too!