Be about right for him to have all but agreed to go to Swindon, comes on for the last few minutes to say "goodbye" and ends up crocked! Deal off, wages to cover, no more signings.
You are aware we can’t force clubs to buy our players? No of course you didn’t think to ponder before having a pop.
You are incredibly depressing. It doesn't have to be this way, there are people out there who can help you get a more positive perspective on things. Your relationship with Barnsley FC seems pretty toxic, would recommend taking a step back and seeing if following the club so miserably is helping you mentally.
Doesn’t it occur to you that if they make our first team squad and maybe play a few minutes that they are more saleable, more attractive to potential suitors? You must be the most fun person to be around. Christ on a bike I can be pessimistic but you are the single most negative poster in this whole forum - and that is some statement. If we have won come 2:30 you’ll be silent other than to moan about whoever you deem to have played worst or that the crowd was flat. Just bore off. You’re getting tiresome.
Yep, crazy, I think it is the inconsistency that screws with me the most. I have been a supporter through bad and good and I was ok with that knowing when we were likely to win or lose but these days we never know which version of the team we will get.