Absolutely unthinkable horrific actions. Heart goes out to everyone affected , 15 year old lad god bless him. Not safe to go out anywhere!
Shocking! Seems to be becoming a regular thing round Sheffield too! RIP and condolences to the family though, can’t imagine what it’s like to send your child to school and then …
Given what happened last week (another lockdown afore todays) The school needs closing down till the kids in this report are expelled. No way would I let mine return until it's sorted. Copied. According to reports, on January 29 headteacher Sean Pender sent a message to parents, saying: “The reason for the lockdown was due to threatening behaviour between a small number of students where threats were made of physical violence.”
I work with the lads father, I just feel numb, it's just terrible. He was a Sheffield United fan. RIP young man
A quick search of 'Sheffield stabbing' on X brings up all sorts of horrible rumours. I hope they aren't true as it's going to give Reform even more to shout about to gain more support.
There needs to be metal detectors at school gates and turnstiles. Maybe even security stewards. It's expensive but nothing compared to someone's life.
Twenty years behind bars if caught carrying a knife for everyone and any under eighteen caught needs parents involved too
Bingo. The only way to combat it is to make people fear the deterrent. As an adult, caught with a knife in public it's an automatic 10 year sentence, no mitigating circumstances or ********. Take the knife out of your pocket and threaten someone with it a d it's automatic 15 year. Use the knife. 25 year sentence. If you're a teen that does it it's the same sentence but start in young offenders. **** em I know people will say that prisons are overcrowded but I don't care because a life is more important than having to build a new prison and also I reckon that pretty much everyone who would be locked up under these laws would end up in prison for something else anyway. In 2023 72% of people convicted of knife crime avoided jail. That's just wrong and gives a green light to anyone to carry a knife.
see I don’t get that, if you are rotten enough to be the type who could stab somebody it wouldn’t take much effort to put a point on one. It would help with spontaneous cases but that’s all, plus there are a lot of sharp objects besides knives. It’s a real dilemma and the only thing I can think of at the minute is come down like a ton of bricks on anybody with a malicious dangerous object out of its natural habitat, ie trades people.