Hoping to see Selwyn.(Give us a wave) ont top ot dugout (as in mid seventies) baiting their lot lol. He's there tomorrow. Sadly not in the best of health of late.
I believe thats because he did very well when here and wanted about 20k a week right? Or its what other clubs started throwing at him
I always look forward to seeing any new player pulling on the red shirt. I hope he hits the ground running but it's alot to ask of a player to come from another country to do just that. Remember MDG debut looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights think it's a bit easier for a forward but let's not put too much pressure on the lad
No thats not right. Mael played in Ligue 2, the same level, for Nimes the season before he came to us, albeit they got relegated.
What always strikes me about an "option to buy" is that the player concerned surely has an option not to be bought. Also, in the case of Dike, WBA supposedly paid £8 million for him. Perhaps that was the price that we were quoted too. If we'd made it to the Premier League, perhaps we'd have been interested, even at that price. Obviously, there wasn't the remotest possibility we'd pay that for Dike when we were still in the Championship.
Can’t wait. Feel sorry for him. Should have brought a senior striker in so he could acclimatise and get up to speed. Don’t think the situation is fair on him but looking forward to seeing him
I would be surprised if there are people that are aren't looking forward to seeing him play. It's one of the exciting parts of football to see the debuts and development of new signings in the squad. I believe both happy clappers and unhappy flappers would be united in this. I also think most people agree that the debates we have seen this last week get crossed over and misinterpreted on occasions. There is one discussion position that angles on being underwhelmed by the signings in the window, questioning the pool we are fishing in and the logic of the signings we made. This is a fair discussion. But this is a separate discussion from the one of whether Clement is a good player for us or not. I believe most wish him well and personally want him to succeed. There are exceptions where some people write individuals off before seeing them, but that isn't the majority position, despite some people calling out the forum as if we have all written players off. However, I would argue we also have head coaches who have written players off in the past before seeing what they can do on the first team pitch. So I hope he gets some good minutes early; we are given the chance to judge on performances and contributions rather than question 'what if' as we have done with so many players this past few years. Now i have my boots ready and can take up that 2nd striker signing. So now come on, you tell me, am i any good? ;-)