You've heard/seen the lyrics of the song they sing at football, in public, so just imagine how much worse it is on there mate. Disgraceful. I detest this fanbase at times.
It's not the fan base it's society in general and it will only get worse if we go down the poor man's Trump route of electing Farages and his baying mob
Even with the 10 million quid defence you quoted? Collins got us in play offs with a much, much weaker squad. I liked Duff, he's a decent manager, but nothing beyond that for me
What about it? Duff failed miserably at Swansea with a very decent squad. Fans at Huddersfield weren't/aren't keen on him either. Duff had a much better squad than Collins and ultimately they achieved the same thing
He had to rebuild and pick up a squad after a terrible season. Can you not remember, the team leaving around him in the summer and him saying that he'll make the best of who's in the building. What we saying now, Duff was **** and it was a bad season? If you are, l've nowhere to go after that...
So did stendel. I'm saying Duff had a miles better squad than Collins and Collins had a better one than this bunch. He under achieved imo.
Duff developed his defenders into a solid unit, l don't the the last two managers have been able to do that. He coached the team a lot better, who do you think is the better coach, Duff, Clarke or Collins?
Duff - he had the 4th (possibly 3rd) best squad in the league and that's where he finished. Collins did well getting us into the play offs given we sold our entire defence & goalkeeper. Clarke I feel sorry for but certain games there's no excuses why we've performed the way we have. Like I said before, I think Duff is the better of the 3, however, I don't think he's anything special either, especially after you pointed out the quality he had & it's value. Clarke & this squad is crying out for a Mads Andersen & James Norwood.
Amazing post. That was under the current ownership. They've spectacularly blown it. No blaming Conway now. This is on the current four.