Barnsley FC supporters planning to attend home matches over the coming weeks should be aware of a road closure that may impact travel to Oakwell Stadium. From Monday 10 February, Wesley Street in Barnsley town centre will be fully closed to vehicles for approximately eight weeks. This closure is necessary to facilitate essential roofing works on the Alhambra Shopping Centre as part of a vital maintenance programme. Key Information for Matchday Travel: Diversions will be in place for the duration of the closure. The Glass Works and Alhambra car parks will remain open throughout the works. Supporters can still access these car parks via Harborough Hill Road exit slip road, Pontefract Road, and Lambra Road. We encourage all fans travelling to Oakwell to plan their journeys in advance and allow extra time on matchdays to accommodate any delays caused by the diversion routes. Thank you for your support. Continue reading...
I was just thinking how they make it so easy for people who drive to Oakwell to park and get away quickly at the ground and surrounding area that what they need is another barrier in place
I don't think this is just a club problem access into Barnsley has been rubbish for years. It's probably easier to go M62 then M1 and come into Barnsley through Dodworth than going along Pontefract Road.
Ever tried leeds and/or Sheffield. There are many ways to enter Barnsley. Main routes Dodworth rd Sheffield rd Donny Rd Huddersfield rd Wakey rd But pontefract Rd has had many issues. Resurfacing. burst water mains I believe. Inconvenient I agree, But roads don't repair themselves. Get thissen on Google maps lol.
Wow. Doing that during the football season will cause absolute chaos. That road takes a good few hundred cars up it every matchday with queues all the way from the Alhambra roundabout down to the stadium. I don't think Pontefract road and harbrough hills can take that extra traffic so there is going to be absolute chaos. I predict quite a few people won't be getting out of the town centre until half 6 and maybe even considerably later. What a **** show. It absolutely needs police or traffic management on for those 8 weeks to maintain any kind of traffic flow away from the stadium and for once I feel like the club will actually notice the problem because it's 100% going to affect higher up club staff and board members if they attend games
Along with the board. Remember a freedom of information request revealed it was Barnsley FC who instigated a review into the parking at Oakwell and additional restrictions on traffic and not the safety group as the club previously claimed.
Did a board member ever do the ‘watching a match from the stands’ thing they said. Driving in, trying to park, queuing to be given a cold coffee. Swear they said they were going to do it but nothing came from it. Be a good time to do it now