Did anyone else see this on tonight’s news? Video in the link. https://www.itv.com/news/2025-02-11/undercover-footage-shows-far-right-group-preparing-for-race-war
It’s on ITV X apparently We are sleepwalking towards fascism & some people are falling into the populist trap
That's an external factor. As a parent you can still set them on the right path. When you're one to one with your child external things don't matter. Not to me anyway. You can't wrap anyone in cotton wool. Be as vigilant as you can but anything else is fate.
Unfortunately, parental influence diminishes as your kids get older. My 16 year old is pretty level headed and very strong willed. I hope she is on the right path and would be very difficult to derail. My 14 year old is less confident in his own opinions and is susceptible to being led by others. The younger 3 are not really at a point they might be drawn into anything outside of my influence, but I worry about the world they’re going to end up in.
Worrying. The truth is that these people have never gone away, they've simply moved underground and become more sophisticated. Tommy ten-names Robinson would be a member but his years of hiding from justice on a Greek beach sadly (for him) means he wouldn't meet the fitness criteria.