Because the coach doesn't or more likely can't react when his opposite number makes tactical changes. He is a poor coach maybe ok in L2 but no higher.
6 games 5 defeats one draw if this stays same. Recruitment issues or not it's not good enough Clarke.
Agree. Nwakali is fine there when we have possession and he can zing it about. But both him and Russell have no defensive nuance about them whatsoever and just get completely overrun in our 3rd. Puts loads of pressure on our defence, which is shaky enough as it is
I’ve played darts against Dennis Priestley and Cliff Lazarenko (i was three for the latter and big Cliff held me up as I threw, i don’t actually remember it). Makes you wonder why my kitchen door where we have a dartboard on has so many holes… must be woodworm as I must be great at darts
They both look good when we're attacking. But they should have been our wall in front of the back three today to help ride out the storm and they simply went missing. We saw nothing from them for 20 minutes as Huddersfield turned the game on its head.
It's my dads favourite footballing story to tell that he was once marking Glavin and he turned to him and said "next thing I'm gunna do is get the ball, turn past you and put it in the top corner" That's exactly what happened in the next play, and he jogged next to my dad soon after, winked and said "told you"
Went out for a run at 1-0 up. Come back to find the manager and players have once again contrived to ruin everyone's Saturdays. Useless turds