I've been looking at a row of blue bins out of my kitchen window that haven't been emptied since December.
The problem with this, as soon as my brown bin is emptied, it will literally be full again Absolute horse ****. They have deliberately held off catching up until the next collection is due. And then expect us to deal with a complete full bin again from day one.
I forgot to mention over the weekend I found out that the new boss has actually sacked three people since Christmas for moving two bins at a time. If you do see the lads working, don't give them any hassle. They're all terrified to upset this new boss that has basically made their working lives hell - direct any complaints straight to your MP rather than front line workers. They've had to employ extra agency staff to help with the backlog, so costs are through the roof also.
Apparently bin collection is subcontracted out to a private company. This company to date has been unwilling to pay overtime to its employees to allow them to clear the backlog and catch up. If this situation continues the streets will be lined with bins for evermore. We all need to write a letter of complaint to the council.
My black bin is due today,I won't hold my breath.I think we are being gas lighted into monthly collections.
In Hemingfield we now back on track. I had just sent another email to Cllr Shepard saying I didn't buy the snow excuse and I believed the backlog was nowhere near been cleared. That was last Monday low and behold Wednesday blue bin emptied (been out 2wks) Thursday brown bins done. I've no problem with safe working practices but with the fear of been called a old fart what would have been made of the bin men in the 70s with metal bins full of ashes collected from your back door carried and then returned to the same place. Now it's unsafe to wheel two bins of cardboard maybe it's just me but it makes no sense.
It sure mate, I got the information second hand. I googled it and got this…. Barnsley Council's waste collection is carried out by waste collection services that the council has contracted I’ll try and find out