Apparently there were 80,000 in England by the 1700s, about half of which were in London. And why did they flee France? Because they were being murdered and persecuted. At least we don't murder migrants by the thousand in the streets anymore. Maybe that will be in some parties 2029 manifestoes.
You really this anyone who wants to get back border control in the u.k is racist and doesn't want their grandkids etc to be of a different race. That's just ridiculous. I do agree with the 2nd poster in this who says if labour don't sort it out it will be a short spell in charge.
Whenever I go to London, I always walk virtually everywhere. I like going down the backstreets, where you can stumble upon all manner of things. I am very fond of the Wren churches. So many tourists go to St. Paul's, of course, but I am sure that very few ever visit his mini-masterpiece, St. Stephen Walbrook, amongst others.
I know it’s going off topic but the semi indoor world food market near the top of brick lane is one of my favourite places on earth. Went back there last week as it goes. It was a fairly quiet Monday afternoon so we did a crazy amount of sampling to the point where we just ended up skipping straight to desert! Dutch pancakes. Delicious! Back on topic. I’m pro immigration. They mostly seem nice people who make wicked food. Also, I’m not a ****.
But I don't think wanting the government to get a grip on the tens of thousands of unvetted people crossing the channel, costing the tax payer billions each year is racist.
You don't know me or anything about me, ive pulled racism on many occasions more than i imagine you have. So to sit behind your screen implying people are racist because they don't agree with you on immigration says it all really.
You "don't want their grandkids to be a different race"......explain it then, from your non racist perspective.
Are you joking? Read what I was replying to and disagreeing with. Instead of just jumping on to score your political points.
No, you're gonna have to clarify it, maybe it was the barely legible quality of posting that confused me, but please elaborate, just for me.
Barnsley reds posted saying people who oppose immigration is Because they’re racist and they see non-white people as poisoning the bloodlines so want to reduce the risk of that happening. I questioned weather he seriously believed that someone didn't want immigration as they didn't want there grandkids to be a different skin color. Seems ridiculous.
Maybe check the grammar of your post before you post it, it doesn't come across well, or clearly and does you no favours.
I was replying to him questioning weather he actually believes what he put. But the usuals are so quick to try political point score and everyone piles in from the little clique liking and replying with there mates like little girls. Enjoy the game tonight. Have a day off.
I'd recommend the Hidden London books by Stephen Millar. He's a particular fan of Wren. And mentions the Ripper and Dickens quite a bit too. There's a church that backs onto the square of Covent garden. Hardly anyone goes in, but its called the actors church, given how many actor's have plaques inside. Loads of little nuggets like that in there. I'd quite like to finish all the walks before we leave London, think we might have 3 left, though some can be more densely populated, so we skip or reroute around those.
Whether you are or not, being a racist is not a political view point, if you think it is, again.......
To say everyone who wants tighter borders is racist is similar, and as true as people who try say all grooming gangs are Muslims. Both false statements used to push political agendas.
I've not been in there in years. That whole area in the old Truman Brewery was great. Not really touched, but just occupied with rustic Street food from do may cuisines and all sorts of other stalls. I've not been for a while, but Mercato at Elephant and Castle was always a favourite and you've Eataly that came to London by Liverpool Street a year or two ago. We'd not been in before but ducked in at the weekend briefly. Not busy at all (thankfully) but it was early and just opened... Though the section we wandered through wasn't as good as the ones in Italy. I think there are a fair few food halls cropping up. I'm sure there's one near the M&S on Oxford Street and another at the crossroads with Tottenham Court Road. I can't vouch for either, bit I do like the idea that people can have whatever they want from a little eatery while those they are with gave something completely different.
It's all a ******** anyway. I don't blame any immigrants at all it's the government. I don't blame the people's divide and opinions on here. It's the government. You will get the national media stating "how many have came over on boats" Next minute you will get the media promoting Palestinian protests. Then you'll get the media showing "right wing protests". It's all to divide you, to take the blame of the real issue here. The government