Been an absolute beast since his return. Headed everything at Rotherham and Northampton last night. Makes such a difference to have him in the back three.
Needed him to be mate. As prior to his sending off at Wycombe, he left a lot to be desired. Great to see him at his best though over the last couple of games. Long may it continue.
I think he's been great for most of the season, other than the few games when he was rushed back after injury. I find it difficult to criticise Clarke for rushing him back because if I was him, I'd want Roberts in my team too. I'm sure he was worried that it was too soon, but when your other choices are Pines, Earl, MDG and McCarthy... of course you want Roberts in your team.
My overall view is robbo started the season quite poorly then came good. Unfortunately got injured and when he came back was poor then got the straight red and since his return Rotherham and last night been great. Hopefully he keeps it up.
I think Roberts is an old fashioned defender. See ball, kick ball. See ball, head ball. See man, tackle him. Does all the basics you need from a centre back well. For me, he suffers when other players go arty farty. As @dreamboy3000 said on another thread. He looked like he wanted to throttle O'Keefe last night.
I think he struggled to start with then he got fully match fit and was excellent. Then he got injured and again struggled to get started again he's 34 unfortunately not 24 but we wouldn't have him if he was.
Looked after himself well. Don't think he's helped by the fact we play with attacking full backs instead of wingers and his legs are tested too much.
I think it might be the opposite, I think he would struggle in a two Robbo was never quick but in all my years of watching the reds there hasn't been many better in the air.
WhoScored (data site) agrees with you on Roberts being our best performer this season. I'm personally split between Phillips and DKD. Wouldn't be against Robbo getting it though, if he continues his current form. Although both he and Phillips have already won it in the past.
I think he's had a better season than last, and around Christmas was really good. I'm not in the anti-Corey camp, as many seem to be on here. But he's not been our best player this season, for me at least.
You're absolutely correct. When he was 24, he was playing for Halifax. He made his debut for us when he was 25!
Think the question is with Roberts, how long will he last/stay here for? I’d love him to be a double promotion winner with us, but unless we go up next year and then he agrees to stay for a season in the Chmapionship, I’ve a feeling he may retire soon
He could’ve easily been the villain of the night if that early give away ball had resulted in a goal. Not under pressure just turned and passed straight to their player. He did have a great game after that though. He can get easily knocked-off the ball though at times for a big lad
I think that depends entirely on how he and his coach feel about his performance levels. Neither really knew what to expect this year, or know what to expect next year. After a slightly shaky start he's proved more than up to League 1 football this year, and I'd imagine both are feeling like he's got plenty to contribute next year too. I can't imagine anyone is thinking beyond that. The only 'negative' around him is that I imagine it was hoped that he'd play a role in developing his replacement i.e. Pines, but on recent displays he seems further away than ever to me from the level we need.
He's up there with poty with dkd and Phillips I'd probably say dkd has been our most consistent performer. How long can Roberts keep playing he's 35 in a few months. He's not got the same reactions and his pace has faded from the player we got from Halifax town 10 years ago on a free which must be one of the best signings in the clubs history.