Russia are getting more sly backing from Iran, North Korea etc than previously. They are increasing the anti slowly on the type of weapons and damage. They have vast natural resources to keep this going for years and years. It's surely a genuine fear that this idiot would use a nuke, even a small tactical one inside Ukraine just to see what the west do. You seem so confident that we can just continue the current path?
60 is an age where you will find that there have been numerous wise and experienced leaders who have been more than capable of putting such virtues to good effect for the sake of the led. We could start with the second world war . Churchill. Over 60. And end with Hitler. Under 60.
Again, imagining the worst scenario and trying to put words in my mouth. I’m not confident of anything, I’m just offering a different opinion to your paranoia. This guys more eloquent than either of us, and he’s an American.
That was a disgrace. Extortion for mineral deal. Zelensky has been right. There is always a degree of playing to the gallery in diplomacy. You have to remember that Russia was the bogeyman in the cold war that drove vast defence spending. Ukraine have fought them to a near stand still on their own. They ask for weapons that would give them an advantage that might be decisive but there is always a delay as we don't (collectively as the west) want to offend Russia. Tanks, missiles, planes...we give in but months or years too late. We've dripped stuff to Ukraine to break Russia, not for Ukraine to win. Russia's economy is not far from implosion. Watch my old economics lecturers YouTube channel Joe bloggs. He explains the noose tightening. The problem is we now have a corrupt orange man child leading the west but craven to the evil Putin
" It would take a full scale NATO intervention to defeat Russia and it's likely allies Iran and Nother Korea " It wouldn't take NATO would though take levels of supplies and weapons on a consistent basis, and permission to hit Russian air bases deep inside Russia with the heavy missiles...Ukraine are doing it already but with lightweight drones, UK and France have allowed Storm Shadow/Scalp to be used , but Germany has not given permission for the much heavier Taurus to be used...but Ukraine are not standing still, they've made the Russian Navy virtually useless to Putin and they are building their own long range heavy missiles. The first F16's are now being used to attack Russian air defence and the front lines with glide bombs for the first time...and after facing most of 2024 at a 10-1 disadvantage in artillery shells, the ratio is now 2-1 and will improve significantly this year with Rheinmettal's new factory collaborations in Czechia and Poland coming on stream with more ammunition than even America can produce at the moment. If America is out of it, the rest of Europe and Nato members need to give Ukraine the tools it needs.
The reality is that's a double bluff. The whole of Europe is not standing upto Russia because they fear a nuclear response. If they did its highly unlikely Russia would do that as there is no upside to it for them and withdrawal for Ukraine would not be enough to risk a nuclear escalation.
Honestly not putting words into your mouth, just didn't see what other option you thought was on the table that could end in a rightful Russian defeat and retreat.
Appreciate the reasoned response with some detail. I guess I'm not as optimistic as you on the capability of Ukraine to repel. I just have this underlying feeling that with the added measures you have mentioned and if more allies allowed the long range missiles etc, how stable is Putin? Is he truly just selfish enough to actually go to that nuclear option knowing he is advanced on years and not giving a damn about anyone else. Will be interesting to see if what you mentioned plays out though for sure. A lot of European media outlets aren't painting a positive on the latest balance of power in the war though.
Not accusations at all...he was asking for more help not accusing anyone...and pointing out that the long range weapons were desperately needed to attack the distant Russian airbases that were being allowed to attack Ukraine with impunity.
Only from what has been reported but it was supposed to have been a deal on mineral rights so the US could claw back money in future to keep the war machine rolling whilst some sort of peace deal has been struck. Sounds like Trump got the proper huff on when Zelensky wouldn't give so much back, no doubt it was worth far more than what has been given long term. Purely at a guess as well, agreeing to Russian retaining Donetsk or summat.. obviously a **** deal for Ukraine. I'd imagine Trump thought it was signed sealed an delivered just because they are the USA and he considers himself to be king of the deal. Never seen a political spat like that before between 2 leaders play out live.
That is what Putin is trading fact it's virtually his only card after 3 years of seeing his forces steadily degraded and getting hardly anywhere.
But like I’ve already said, Zelenskyy was so piled on he ended up leaving about a third of the way into the schedule. It’s not like one was selling a car to the other, quick look under the bonnet and a drive around the WH car park. They had a disagreement, and no doubt more talks will take place until agreement is found. I think this argument has got a bit lost between people pointing out Trump acting really badly, and you seeing the possibility WW3 hinging on todays proceedings. Trump could be as different again tomorrow.
You can add Corbyn to the mix if you like. Perhaps he makes your case for you. I personally thought he was entitled to have a go.
He might have but what good will it do? I fcking hate Trump and everything he stands for and that twät Vance ambushed Zelenskyy there’s no doubt about it. At the end of the day it’s about outcomes though and I’m terrified at what this means for europe.
In August 1939, two totalitarian dictatorships who were sworn enemies, signed a treaty of friendship - the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact. This they said, would ensure peace in Europe. A week later they carried out the secret clause of that pact and began to carve up Europe between them - beginning with Poland. And so began WW2. WW3 anybody?