Oh definitely at the board I agree. I wouldn’t say it was that aggressive to Watters though. Maybe I’m being naive but I think Watters is fairly liked by our fanbase.
They didn't today. Tried starting the original version a couple of times with the 'slag' insult in there but thankfully it failed to take off.
Maybe “liked” is a bit much but compare him to Cosgrove, Humphrys recently and even Devante Cole last season, I think our fans appreciate Watters a bit more than maybe they would expect to given his goal record.
Our fans know he’s absolutely awful as a footballer, probably a decent lad but I think it’s got to the point where it’s just laughing at ourselves sort of thing, Humphrys way more popular, Cole had his fans but also a vast majority, myself included couldn’t stand him and he wasn’t very good.
I heard it but for the life of me could not work it out, 10th March, getting my Hearing aids fitted. tha can get ready then
Pee take or tongue in cheek?...... I'm sure the guy himself knows he hasn't been anywhere near good enough. Hopefully spurs him on.
Regardless of the initial motivation or meaning of the chant, it could be a really positive song for him if he keeps scoring.
Our fan base hasn't a clue what a good footballer is. Watters showed what a good footballer he is today. Unfortunately our fans are ******* retards.
I don't think it was taking the piss out of watters was it? I got the impression it was a dig at our board but also a compliment to watters. Maybe I'm just too gullible?
Hows this for a song We didn't sign a striker like Liverpools Roger Hunt because our director of football is just a useless See you next Tuesday All royalties donated to the elusive stiker fund
Give over he’s nowt more than a tryer ! Took his goal well though, perhaps that’s his game rather than all the sitters he missed against Bristol Rovers, the easy chances.
Think there should be a big shout out for him yesterday, that was an absolute quality goal from him, plus he looked quick and committed. He's had a lot of stick from us but he did good yesterday, who knows a bit of confidence and support and he might get back on track
Not rating a player is fair enough, opinions and all that, but ‘couldn’t stand’ a player because of that seems OTT to me, and No he didn’t ’down tools’ and he wasn’t idle.