Gent has written 'gutted about the injury' and Humphreys wrote 'stay strong my brother, we're all with you', which players normally say for something pretty bad.
Thought it was cramp at 1st then looked more serious thought he did well today apart from the 1st goal.
I can only say what I saw. Gent was down on the ground, Roberts pushed his foot back to relieve the cramp and Roberts was actually laughing and joking with him.
Well no physio came on, he limped off the pitch himself after falling over 3 times so I hope it's only cramp. Not sure why the physio didn't go to him.
Lembikisa is going to cross it for Rodrigues to head home the winner at Wembley isn't he? Against Wrexham.
I don't understand what happened. He went down and it looked serious. Then he got up and tried to carry on while clearly injured (to me it looked like he was trying to make sure he didn't play anyone onside while laid on the floor). Then he went down again and the ref wouldn't stop it. Everyone was booing. The ball fell to Russell a few yards from the touchline who bizarrely tried his best to keep it in play. Fortunately the ref gave a foul and the game was stopped. As soon as the game was stopped Gent had his legs stretched by Humphreys and smith in the traditional way done when a player has cramp. Our physio stood a few yards away but made no attempt to come on and help the player. Meanwhile Clarke was busy getting a sub stripped off to come on signalling for Gent to hobble off, still with no aid from a physio What I want to know is why didn't the ref stop it when it looked really serious? Why did Russell try to keep it in play? Why didn't our physio help the sticken player? It's not like he would have had to go off for 30 seconds, he was being taken off anyway. All a bit weird
Agree 100% with your timeline of events. But it didn't look weird to me because I thought he had cramp and I don't think the ref should stop the game or the physio needs to come on if a player has cramp. But I do think the best course of action is to sub that player, as even if the intensity of the pain of the cramp is alleviated through treatment, it's going to return (you get cramp because you're knackered, because you've used all your internal resources). It may be that it wasn't cramp, but I think everyone at the time thought it was, including Gent.
It looked like cramp as soon as our players went and did the leg stretch but at the time and the way he went down it looked really serious to me and those around me, was only when he was being 'treated' that I assumed it wasn't. That could simply be due to the angle we were looking though to be fair
I guess the difference for me was that I watching on the TV, we got close ups, and it just looked like cramp. Russell should have still kicked it out. Gent could barely move whether or not it was cramp or something more serious, and if you're down to 10 men for whatever reason, kick the bloody ball out. Fortunately the ref took pity on us, he knew that Gent was struggling and wasn't faking, but saw that Russell is a bit daft, and just gave a foul to stop the game, even though it wasn't one.
I was going to ask that as well. Was it a foul? But you've answered that. It definitely looked like the ref just gave up and gave one as a way to stop it