But the issue isn't our ability to hold on to leads, its that we're just not very good. Most of, if not all of our goals come from individual bits of brilliance or a mistake v good play. That's what Clarke needs to fix, not holding on to leads. There's also at some point a bit of reflection that we seem able to hold on to them away from home and not at Oakwell.
In 1967 surgeon Christiaan Barnard performed the first successful human heart transplant. Is that even worth celebrating?
One question, who tells them to sit back on a lead, it is just not the basic instinct of a footballer
In 1985 the Live Aid concert raised over £114million to help those suffering from the famine in Ethiopia. Is that even worth celebrating?
I actually said exactly this to my Lincoln mate this morning during our deconstruction of yesterday's match. I'm pretty sure we've spoffed away points late on away as well - Wycombe and Wrexham spring to mind, and we gave it a good go at Burton. Although we are considerably more profligate at home, I agree. About game management - surely that's even more important when you're not very good? At this level, well-organised teams rarely end up in relegation trouble, even if their players are very mediocre. Stevenage are pretty guff, but they're well-organised enough to be comfortably mid-table. Ditto Orient, but they have slightly better players so they're higher up the league. It stands to reason that with our squad, unbalanced but still not bad for this level, if we were a bit better organised we'd be in the top 6.
Depends what you class as celebrating. If you’re talking about doing a conga to Cundy Cross roundabout or baking a cake with 7 candles, then probably not. I suppose if you celebrated all 4 goals it’s a bit too late to be asking the question, unless you’re now retracting said show of pleasure.
Kevin Sinfield and all his marathons and physical challenges and the millions he has raised for MND. is that even worth celebrating?
Ive been there a few times, and it was raining each time. I just couldn't take anymore excitement after that!.
In the league, we've conceded 11 goals in the last 15 minutes, plus another 8 in time added on, for a total of 19 of our 47 conceded.