True, but that was an existental struggle against the Nazi's that lasted less than 3 years, Ukraine is not in that bracket. but casualties and equipment losses are heavy and shows no end in sight... the constant drain suffered in Afghanistan, which were far lighter in casualty and equipment terms forced them to pull out in the end. My guess is that Putin is looking for a way out that allows him to both save face and retain Donbass and Crimea
She was truly awful, no understanding of the war and a total Putin apologist and totally lacking in any morals.
And she was previously a Trump spokesperson. The mind boggles. Makes you wonder how bad it has to get in America before Trumpers turn away from him.
Goodall didn't ask a single question which could have been taken as biased or in any way controversial, yet she couldn't (or wouldn't) answer or clarify her position. To say that Putin's invasion was somehow illegal but wasn't morally wrong was clearly siding with Putin. She then went on to say that NATO should never have moved an inch from the Cold War borders but then threw her teddy out when he asked her why she thought that independent sovereign nations shouldn't be allowed to apply for NATO membership. The very definition of batshit crazy.
At home they are so used to softball interviews from friendly presenters like Tucker Carlson & Hannity. Fox News only really has one token left leaning member, Jessica Tarlov, who pushes back against them. Other than that it’s like State Media. When you’re used to people sucking up like they do, I suppose even the most basic line of questioning will put you off balance. Amazing how someone who had been in her position was so unprepared though.
I’ve had chance to reflect on this and re-watch it. I watched it live on Friday and posted without reading any commentary etc and without seeing the wider comments about dress. I must admit now I was wrong, there was absolutely nothing that Zelenskyy did wrong and it was 100% on Trump and Vance. I thought at the time that it was a bit of both but I can see it now for exactly what it is, an unprovoked bullying attack on a wartime hero. Whatever Zelenskyy would have done wouldn’t have helped the situation. This was completely pre-meditated and they completely set him up to bully him in plain sight with the help of their friends in the press. I fcking abhor both those cnts in the White House and the other in the Kremlin. If there is any good to come of this, it’s hopefully shown the whole world what Trump and Vance are all about. Horrible pigs.
Not too long. I'd prefer someone to find him and his mate the rapist and make use of the few hundred guns in that country. Right between the eyes. World is safer without the evil nazi scum
I'm no Starner fan, but I'm glad he hugged Zelensky and is staying statesmanlike about it in terms of whether or not Trump should still be going to Buckingham Palace.
I’m normally against any form of violence but in this case I fully agree with you Mr SuperTyke. After that Zelensky bust up I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s no way the civilised world can ever deal with these people.
I'm not sure that would necessarily Improve things. I dread to think about how the right in America would respond to that.