Starmer giving Ukraine another 1.6 billion
To be quite honest I think someone, perhaps Starmer, has to take the bull by the horns and go and see Putin. Its all talk about backing Ukraine, and there's nothing wrong with that but the other party is Russia and regardless of the fact that they invaded they have a vested interest here now. They need something from the conflict, twa.t though Putin is and so he needs talking to, reassuring if necessary, given guarantees for the Russian speakers in East Ukraine perhaps. He does need accommodating in some form though or the military stakes will override everything. Ramping military support up is one thing but there needs to be dialogue and inclusion. 'Jaw jaw is better than war war'.
That's genuinely great. Measured, logical journalism that leaves her with nowhere to go other than to hang up the phone.
Looks to be no sign of coming to a end if we're pledging yet more billions to buy missiles. And I agree with what you say about European leaders speaking to putin.
That’s how I see a lot of their people. The right just seems to have a very low bar. Anyone with any intelligence uses it to hoodwink the stupid.
I was a bit brassed off with a newsnight presenter...he had Carla Sands, former Trump Ambassador to Denmark on....she was saying she didn't want to give American millions to Zelenskyy to buy another yacht...and he didn't question it...he allowed her to get away with the bulls**t scot free...he only needed to ask her politely if she really believed the yacht story...or alternatively point out to her that it was exposed as fake news from a Maga website...but he said nothing.
The pertinent bit missed from the report is £1.6 billion to buy 5000 missiles … from the UK , a company in Northern Ireland
It’s horrendous. It feels a bit weird when you think ‘good’ when you hear the Russians are sustaining significant losses as most of them are ordinary people that won’t want to be at war. I’m just sceptical because we’ve kept hearing how the Russian’s can only go on for a few more weeks at several points over the last 3 years.
Like the deal signed in the 90s for Ukraine to give up its nuclear weapons and supported by both the USA and UK?
So in reality we're just paying for there missiles to use against Russia. Glad we can afford to do that heart warming stuff.
We're paying to employ British people in high-paid specialist jobs. Or would you rather somebody else had those jobs?
Yes, that money could be used here. But freedom has a price. The problem is, we no longer appreciate what freedom is. We’re used to it. The freedom to say what we like, moan on about Starmer, Johnson, immigrants and the price of everything. Under an oppressor you don’t have that freedom. You live in fear - only able to say, do, or think what the oppressor tells you. Freedom has a price. And there are many from this country who paid far more than money to give Europe the freedom we all now enjoy, yet take for granted. They paid with their lives.
" I’m just sceptical because we’ve kept hearing how the Russian’s can only go on for a few more weeks at several points over the last 3 years." I agree, but that's modern media....basically journalists print s**t to sell papers or ad space on websites...largely the journo's guess or claim its from an unattributable source. The real information comes from The UK MoD, the Institute for the Study of War, NATO sources etc....none are predicting imminent Russian collapse, but what they are saying is that Russia have had to bring Koreans, which is a sign of possible manpower shortages, but the real drain to Russia is attritional equipment losses which are verifiable...and in some cases irreplaceable strategic pieces. Putin has lost two of his five Early Warning aircraft and three/ four long reach radars that are his first line of warning against nuclear attack...if the Ukrainians destroy just a few more, Russia has lost its nuclear 'eyes''s important stuff and can't be replaced for several years. Losses like these will weigh heavy on Putin.
Although this whole subject is grim and worrying in equal doses, there are positives in seeing European leaders stand by Zelenskyy and hats off to Starmer for getting leaders around a table and treating Zelenskyy the way he did. There are plenty of things I dislike about Starmer and lots of policy choices I disagree with. But the way he appealed to Trumps vanity, but then instantly stood shoulder to shoulder with European allies was impressive statesmanship. To also invest to kickstart defence capability shouldn't be underestimated either.
I think they have to approach him with something concrete. They have to swing things so that he doesn't lose face. I think guarantees for Russians in Ukraine might be a start, permanent access to Black Sea ports, lifting of sanctions, maybe Ukraine saying it wont join NATO for 25 or so years etc... All of which need to be reciprocated. Ukraine need some things too and they need to stick or there's no end to this. Both sides need to come out of it thinking they can live with the deal. I'm not a Putin apologist by the way. He's a twa.t but the reality is he's invested a lot of money, propaganda and lives in this and he'll need something.
Freedom could have a even bigger price when your saying your prepared to put troops on the ground and giving money for missiles. Can't see it ending in Ukraine anytime soon I can only see further escalation.