Problem was Trump's negotiation starting point was to give Putin everything he wanted, no questions asked, before he'd had chance to open his mouth to say no. Now I see he's cut all military aid to Ukraine. I suspect those who weren't wanting him dead when the assassination attempt was made are probably re evaluating their opinion...
Again like your statement of a guaranteed world war, that isn't true is it. That's not the only way to expand Russia, as evidenced by the expansion of Russia. Russia have always been happy to play the slow slice by slice game. A conflict involving multiple countries from around the world add uncertainty. Again I'm not saying it couldn't happen but I would be hard pressed to think it's Putins main goal to cause it. I think he's much more likely to be using the threat of it to try and take/keep Ukraine territory. It's essentially a bluff, and we Western Europe knows it almost certainly is. But nobody is willing to risk it. He's basically taken the cold war position but continue the poker analogy he's raising and nobody dare call.
So now they have officially cut all aid. What absolutely grim times. A western nation openly siding with Russia, on an overt invasion of a European ally. Difficult to see how this ends well for Ukraine. Every single person who voted for this maniac has blood on their hands.
I hate to say it, but the moment I saw last night that Trump said they'd not talked about aid being cut off, I strongly imagined i'd be waking up to the news military aid had been cut off. What a sick twisted man. To ally with a murderous regime. To bully an occupied nation. To seek profit first and masquerade as a peace negotiator. I only hope that given the fascist dictatorship is now in full view, and what sensible reasoned people expected is indeed coming to pass, that those who supported it through ignorance realise what their actions can deliver and balk at enabling such a thing here, because make no mistake, Farage is from and enabled by the Putin Trump faction. I truly hope Europe wake up and knit tightly together. And even more so that we seek their embrace.
Wrapped in comedy but well worth 20 minutes of your time because Jon Stewart, absolutely nails what’s happening. It’s scary and planned. If you voted for Brexit/Farage, you voted for Russia and Europe including the UK is in a precarious position as a result. You traitorous oiks.
Europe and the western world need to cut America off. Cut trade, travel, visas, treat them like we do Russia
It'd be really handy if there was some sort of collective European entity we could be part of. I can only assume that the fact we aren't part of one means that it doesn't exist, because nobody would be daft enough to opt out.
‘World Wars’ evolve from ongoing conflicts as more countries are dragged in. They don’t just kick off at a ref’s whistle - although that’s the way history is written up. And ‘world wars’ are named after they’ve happened. The 1914-18 conflict was ‘The War to End all Wars’ or ‘The Great War’ until it had to became World War 1 when things went wrong again. World War 2 was tidied up afterward and dated 1939-45. Fighting that led up to it (China) and afterward (Central Europe) is left out. World War 2 could be better defined as starting in 1941 after Pearl Harbour. Before that it was a European War where the Nazis and their Soviet allies were busy carving up Europe between them. All that had to be forgotten of course when Hitler turned on Stalin. My point being that, sometime in the future, it might be determined that, with fighting in Central Europe and the Middle East, we are actually in World War 3. This really is the Molotov Ribbentrop moment - two totalitarian dictatorships, who’ve been sworn enemies, forming an alliance. And what next? If Trump fancies taking Greenland, he’ll get the green light from Putin. And while we’re deciding how to deal with that, Putin will be free to bring peace and security to the Baltic states. All that’s unimaginable. But the unimaginable is happening all around us. All we’ll hear from now on is the constant search for peace from Trump and Putin. Everyone want peace of course but it’s worth remembering that was the aim of Hitler and Stalin. Constantly under threat, they were merely defending themselves in an attempt to establish ‘peace,’ ‘security’ and ‘freedom.’ Their search for peace led to the deaths of millions.
Italy invaded Ethiopia in 1935 and Japan invaded China in 1937, so there was already conflict on three continents by the end of 1939. The invasions of Singapore and Pearl Harbour (and others) made it 4.
One theory is that Trump wants the Americas and is happy to leave Europe to Russia - and Asia to China/India. That would explain his aggression towards Canada, Greenland, Panama and Mexico and allowing Russia to continue their advances into Europe. And if it ends with a ceasefire now, the only way Russia doesn't start up again within 5 years is if Putin dies first.
Yes forgot about those. Also worth remembering that Britain and France declared war on Germany in September 1939. Which allowed Hitler then Stalin to label us the aggressor as the only went in Poland to bring 'peace and stability.' Bit like a 'Special Military Operation' I suppose.
Trump is a narcissist and acts like a spoilt child if he doesn’t get his own way. This spat that he currently has going with Zelensky just typifies the type of man he is, if Zelensky doesn’t apologise then I will withdraw military support: he is playing straight into Putins hands
I'm pretty confident the plan has nothing to do with what Trump wants, other than a few economic crumbs. This is all Putin. Trump fawns over Putin and I don't recall Trump ever disagreeing with him, to the point in public he is deferential. The East play the long game. The West want everything yesterday and an easy life.
He's on the side of Putin, he's not playing into his hands, this was the plan all along. Its been in plain sight and its there for all to to see. Watch a video of Steve Bannon saying that they want to break Europe and weaken it, and he's saying it to Farage. They think that Europe is the evil state that is creating woke agendas. The world is flying towards right wing politics and a new world order, with Russia and America aligned to become the global leaders. Indoctrination is in full swing. All of this has been planned, Trump is a Russian asset and has been for years, surrounded by sycophants and loonies all goose stepping to his beat. This is a scary time.
Have you read The Maisky Diaries? Ivan Maisky was Soviet ambassador to Britain in the 30s and early war wars. His diaries were discovered and published unrevised and unedited. Gives a great insight into all the deviousness in the run up to WW2. Anyway he knew a lot of other ambassadors and was particulary struck by the Chinese one who was totally unbothered by events. Maisky noted he had a perspective on progress and the way forward, not based in years or even decades but millennia.
The thing is though that people are still on Trump's side from lots I've seen on social media - which is a guide to how the general Brits think. Trump is "looking after his own" and "why doesn't Starmer do the same". Trump is seen as the good guy because he's a bit racist and likes to be one of the ladsladslads. It's usually seen in conjunction with Zelensky and his private yachts and then folk moaning about the money we've given to him when "we should be looking after our own". It's only going to get worse IMO, as there's no way Labour will win the next election and some amalgamation of Reform/Conservative/Tommy Robinson will be PM. Call me a bedwetter (as stated on the early pages on this thread), but I can see only negatives over the next 20 years.
So based on lies then. Russian lies at that. And the same people object to spending money to "help our own".
Been keeping a close eye on this, watching the news last night starmer got plenty of praise for his handling of it over the weekend even tory mps getting up and praising him which is unusual. He's asking for Europe to back Ukraine with aid us and France been the 2 main countries but most of Europe following. Apart from Germany who said they aren't prepared to send troops to enforce peace and Poland who said there troops will be tied up defending there own borders. So I can't see how been in Europe would have made a difference when 2 European countries have more or less backed out. It also said Russian army is bigger than all the countries aiding Ukraine put together and have more nuclear weapons than those also. Said starmer will be hoping to get turkey on side. Worrying times.