What’s everyone’s thoughts? When can we expect news, do we expect increases/decreases in cost? its going to be interesting as there’s so much apathy/loathing if the board me thinks they need to be inventive, a price freeze isn’t inventive. we are playing out the season as pre-season friendlies albeit with a few players who won’t be here at the start of next season! Certainly lose tonight and the games up although for me it was already up when the white flag went up throughout January( obviously aimed higher up than the players).
Mmmmm that’s what I suspect and I’m afraid it won’t be palatable, can see us selling no more than 5500 tops, I’m certainly 60/40 against renewing
I think they'll need to increase prices if we want to be more sustainable - I can see some season ticket holders binning it considering amount of games being shifted around & how many you can get via Sky etc. If they don't, it'll be either at the cost of the owners putting more in or reduced spend somewhere else.
I'd say we're about 70/30. If there's any kind of increase, they can chalk fu¢k on it now. Pick the odd home, few more awaydays - tickets allowing - and a bit of golf. It's the future.....
Hoping they do something like Bradford with prices on season tickets . Otherwise it looks like a big drop off in season ticket sales
Imagine there’ll be some news in the next fortnight or so. I wonder if the might offer a kind of flexi season ticket for certain numbers of games against the full season one? Surely they won’t increase the price given how unsure a lot of the fanbase are about renewing. Even though I moan I’ll be getting one. It’s just what I do….too late for me to stop now
I said a couple of weeks ago that I suspect they may increase pricing this time around. There is a lot of argument not to - I suspect they may wait to see where we sit in the league by mid to late March. Win another few games, be challenging top six, and things look different
I don’t blame people if they choose not to renew STs because of not being happy with how this season’s going/gone and/or the ‘mucking’ about with fixtures by Sky. However, if ST sales are going to be so low then expect even less investment in the team and the club in general. You can’t have it both ways, lack of income will lead to lack of expenditure.
The club have a very tough choice. Inflation has been pushing costs up. Player transfer and wage costs continue to rise. We're losing money at an alarming rate and need to generate income from transfer fees to subsidise those losses. That would all point to a need to increase prices. Yet, the football has been poor, home form has been appalling, crowds have stayed away despite having already paid for season tickets. And obviously the sky deal is affecting kick off times too. They either try to peg prices in the hope of stemming a drop off of renewals, or, they think that may happen regardless, so increase prices. Very tough choice. History would probably say despite fan negativity, season ticket sales have stood up very well, so I wouldn't be surprised at an increase.
Whilst the matchday experience hasn't been the best in the last couple of seasons, that doesn't ultimately affect my decision. It's the ph.ook1ng about with the fixture list that gets my goat. If the club made a stand..... "Oy. Sky! Noooooo"...... I would really respect that and more than likely renew. If they didn't make that stand, then part of me thinks they are happier to take the Sky pound and my pound doesn't matter. I get that it would be a very brave club to make that stand.
It was March 13 last year. March 3 the year before. And April 6 the year before that. Averaging around 8,000 sales before the end of May. I’m glad I’m not marketing them this time around. Opportunity to be creative and go fan friendly with a reduction and big focus on flexi options. Or, as others have pointed out, rely on the core who always turn out and increase again. I don’t think a freeze achieves much either way. Be interesting to see.
Great idea but in reality they don’t get a say, the agreement is with the whole league not individual clubs
The club (and all other clubs individually) have little sway. It is an EFL decision as a collective. Yes the clubs have an EFL share - but it is one of seventy two. One rogue club can’t take a stand.
We have this every season but the sales seem to hold up pretty well.For over 30 years now season ticket prices at Oakwell have been constantly competitive. Theres no way ticket prices will decrease and rightly so.A slight increase is acceptable if it makes us more competitive.As long as there is no S6 type hikes and paying £600 like they charged in league One.