Was actually a Monday night as the miners returned to work the following day if I remember right. Anyway, we beat Southampton 2-1 away in the FA cup with goals from Steve Agnew and a pen from Gordon Owen. They were a top side too back then. One of my favourite away game memories.
They had the likes of Peter Shilton Mick Mills Mark Wright Joe Jordan David Armstrong and Danny Wallace in their starting 11.
Will always remember being there that night, and also having to get up early next morning to go back to work for first time in a year because of strike ha!
Yes, it was really rough outside ground after the game. Remember a copper directing everyone on the way out to where the coaches were parked. We told him we had a self drive mini-bus parked up a back street and he just said good luck! A couple of us got our head down and got to the bus first, just as a gang of Saints fans came marauding down the street attacking anyone and anything they associated with Barnsley. We ended up hiding in bushes in someone's front garden until they'd passed lol. Luckily our minibus had no markings on it or the windows would have been put through for sure.
Fantastic memory. One of my favourite away games and at a proper character stadium under the lights. Shilton got absolute dogs abuse in the first half in front of our fans.
Yes, forever in my memory. A bloodied Nicky Law, in the aftermath of constant Joe Jordan ‘ challenges’, A young Steve Agnew scoring. Saints fans on the pitch after throwing coins at us, I picked quite a few up. As a striking miner they were more than welcome I drove a van full of us down and mates paid for my ticket and petrol money in exchange. Got caught up in the Barrow Miners March back to work procession next day as I took, the van back to Birdwell.
I was stationed at RAF Boscombe Down, near Salisbury at the time so it was a quick trip down the A36 for me. Nobody expected us to win that but what a result! I was there on my own and saw no trouble at all but I’d been to The Dell a few times before so knew where to park my car.
I was there with my Mum & Dad and Calgary Tyke and Posh Tyke. Due to the rearranged fixture, somehow my parents fot us out of school on the premise of an educational visit. A stop off at Winchester Cathedral seemed to do the job! Didn’t get home until about 3am but what a night to be at!
If I remember correctly, John Peel had confidently arranged and engagement in Southampton for the Saturday night before the Quarter-Final against Liverpool, figuring he’d then be able to go to the match the next day. Sadly for him, he was 220 miles away from the ground. Although considering the result, I wish I had been!
Aww I remember I was playing subbuteo that evening with some of my school mates lol. And every little flick of the ball made me think it was Agnew and Owen and Futcher etc, who I was controlling.