And the American stock markets are down over 1% overnight - while the Hang Seng, Nikkei, Dax and FTSE are all up. Be a lot of unhappy investors in America this morning.
Inflation ticking up which will bite much harder as tariffs ratchet and Sky highlighted that their q1 economic figures are projecting a fall of 2.8% GDP. Could you imagine our media if that happened here? The right ring populists go apeshit if you get nominal growth of 0.1%!
A single quarter GDP fall of 2.8% would be the biggest fall since the peak of the "Great Recession" (Credit Crunch or global financial crisis to us). It would impact a lot of jobs inside - and outside - America.
But he's making them great again...! The supply chain complexities will be lost on him. I know one client I worked with had offices across the world. The biggest sales market was China, the sales and marketing admin US. Goods were made in Mexico and China, some finished in US, packaged in Canada, then shipped for resale. I suspect they have a real headache going on right now, and in the short term, the obvious thing is to shift its finishing team to Mexico, Canada, or China.
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act in the late 1920’s exacerbated the Great Depression and more than halved American exports , Make America Great Depression Again , they are bonkers, MAGDA
It's possibly come in the nick of time for BAE in Preston, I read an article just before Xmas that said they will be delivering the last two Eurofighter Typhoons in 2025, and no more aircraft were in the order book.
I understand that GM have cross-border production lines and deliveries are currently halted going one way (I can't remember which) so production will effectively stop in the near future...
The car and aircraft manufacturers are going to be massively hit. Raw materials, parts, components and consumables can cross a border a considerable number of times before a finished good is ready to be sold or exported.
I read yesterday that some car parts can go backwards and forwards between America and Canada up to 6 times, imagine the tariffs on those parts
The ******* idiot has claimed 8 million dollars has been spent making mice transgender Only problem is he's so ******* thick that he has got transgender and transgenic mixed up. The utter ******* lovely person
I made a point of sticking with the whole ‘address’. With him, the content is always exactly the same, be it a rally, press call or phoning for a kebab - it’s always bragging, lying and ridiculing. I was hoping there might be some falling out, but if was pretty tame.
If you like your conspiracies spicy........ but as it's Trump it all sounds fairly plausible.
Trump on Greenland "One way or another we are going to get it" Please god somebody ******* shoot him straight between the eyes for the good of the world