Yeah, thanks very much Gally but i think i'll choose to believe Biddy37's cast iron source over some unsubstantiated 'Chairman' mate of yours.
Wouldn't surprise me if they are looking to offload the club and there's work ongoing in the background to facilitate this. I'm not sure how much longer they are going to be content underwriting significant losses...
When both are available, he should be selected as middle centre back with DeGevigney one side and Earl the other. Though in time I might tone it down and just go for tarring and feathering.
I think if I was pumping as much cash as they are into the club year in year out I'd want to see a much better return than the insipid inept performances we've seen in far too many games this season. I'd be wanting answers from the DoF, Head Coach and CEO as to why we seem to be going backwards in all areas of the business despite The millions being put in.
The owners are pumping the bare minimum in to keep us afloat and trying to scrape into the play offs on the cheap hence no money spent in January... When our hopes of play offs vanish the truth will come out
Plus if the chairman has said anything he would deny it as he's hoping to make the playoffs...fact is this has been leaked from an employee
Well we shall wait & see. In my opinion we are 100% out of the playoffs now, no hope in hell. So if it’s true then they are liars aren’t they.
The people who know if it's going to be placed in admin are the owners and administrators. The only other person might be head of finance if the administrators have given prior heads up of their visit, i'm not even sure our CEO would be party to such information. So your source is either Robert Zuk, who's position would now be untenable, or, one of the shareholders, who pumped in millions just a few weeks ago. And as mentioned before, the accounts are due out imminently and will disclose whether the shareholders are no longer willing to subsidise losses. They may look for a sale, but I'm fairly confident they don't want to flush, what is it, about £30m+ down the drain and relinquish control.
Hey @Gally Could you also ask the manager if he's fallen out with Phillips and, as a means of punishing Phillips, has decided to continue to select him but sub him when he gets tired. The administration nonsense came from the same source as this solid gold theory.
Bare minimum? Theyve been putting millions in per season since the board restructure. Ive lost count but it must getting on towards 15m at this stage since then. I think im right in saying we have a defecit of about 700k a month they are covering.