Anyone up for a bit of half time entertainment, not my thing Coldplay but my goodness.
I'm not sure which bit of this I hate more. The fact that they're trying to do a Superbowl style half-time show in a sport that doesn't suit one, or the fact that they've chosen Coldplay to be the focus of it. Infantini in charge of FIFA makes me long for the days of simple unabashed corruption under Blatter.
Half time “entertainment” is an irrelevance to me. The match is the only thing that matters, there or at home, good or bad.
not quite sure I get the reaction. I think if they were extended the half time break I would understand it, but they're not. anyone who wants to sit through it will stick around. anyone who doesn't will go for a wazz or a pint. and this is coming from someone who thinks Coldplay are the worst band on the planet.
Each to his own Marc...personally I'd rather drink my Bovril and watch " on me Shed "....or give a chance to a kids game...rather than make the game of football into an entertainment show to benefit advertisers.
Personally don't understand the animosity towards Coldplay. I don't mind a bit of Coldplay but admit they are a bit clichéd and samey, and not to everyone's taste. But worst band ever - nah, not even close. Perhaps it's because, as a bit of a middle of the road, middle aged man, I am their target audience.
Whatever happens it will be , in the wotds of Donald Trump: "Fantastic. The best and biggest World Cup ever!" With Elon Musk in charge of VAR how could it be anything else?
This pretty much. I'm in the have a wizz and a pint camp and I don't like Coldplay in the slightest, but can't see that this does any harm. There's an argument that the amount spent to make it happen, which will be considerable, would be better spent on getting kids facilities, equipment and training in deprived areas of the world, but it wouldn't be anyway so barely worth making the point. Although it does seem like a lot of effort to go to for, at best, a 10 minute performance.
I think it detracts attention from the match. It should be about nothing other than 11 v 11 in the pitch imho.
Imagine that. Biggest game of your life and you have to do a mid match warm up as your muscles have gone cold waiting for Rihanna's 86-strong dance troupe to get off the pitch.