What's that all about?
The second link. Raises some points as to why. It will obviously raise issues if not carried out with detailed reasons. But the system at present points out anomalies in sentencing. Yet again the tories are jumping on the bandwagon to appease their electorate. As they move further to the right. Rather than give consideration to what's being discussed and offer up suggestions rather than pour total scourn on the idea out of hand. No matter what race or creed. The system/sentencing has to be fair. At the moment it appears as though it isn't. The pre sentencing reports though imo should cover all. Not just those identified in the article. And restored to the levels they once were.
I mentioned this topic in another thread talking about the disparity in sentences in the USA for the same crime, which can be effected by the weather and the time of day, etc. And the ethnicity of the person being sentenced. As it says in the bbc article - “So we know already that if you are from a minority ethnic background you are more likely to receive a custodial sentence for an equivalent offence, particularly for certain types of offences such as drug offences, than you would if you were white” I don’t think anyone can argue that can’t be right and needs addressing.
I thought it was more to do with class mate. They swear blind they don't have class systems over there - perhaps not in name like ours but my word they know how to crush the common man, that's for certain.
yeah, they do tell each other all the time that they don't have a class system, which is very telling!
What confuses me is that ethnic minorities will need pre sentencing reports because at present they are given stricter sentences than other people so it is an attempt to make it so that everyone is treated equally. So why are pre sentencing reports also to be given to all women in order to reduce their sentences when women already get more lenient sentences compared to men? Now THAT is just straight up discrimination. It isn't an attempt to redress the balance, it's an attempt to give further leniency to the gender who are already treated leniently by the courts. The reason? In part because "the impact of custodial sentences on female offenders will often be different" **** right off