High foot rules are ‘clear as day’? Yeah, rule seven, article three, subsection twelve says if you clear the ball with a high boot then you get a red card and a doubled suspension - as long as it’s live on bbc and you play for the team from the lower division. What is ‘clear’ about the rules that dictate an increased sanction? Or even justify one? The FA are making it up as they go along. Had that been a league one keeper coming out on DKD in a league game there’d be no increased ban - probably wouldn’t have given a foul.
Don't be silly. The fa said that it isn't a breach of the rules to chant let him die at an injured player. They are investigating homophobic chanting from the same section of scum though.
Seen a video of the also chanting matetas in a and e in the same game. Scum set of fans. As for the ban seems abit harsh there was no intent to hurt him from Roberts.
Didn't the referee not even blow for a foul initially it was var that decided the ref should go have a look on the var screen.
Absolute nonsense. It was serious foul play but not violent conduct, a three match ban is appropriate.
Roberts has also said he and his family, have been getting abusive comments from so called 'fans', because of the challenge. People make me sick when they act like this, as though he deliberately went out to really hurt or cripple an opponent. He did a dangerous and badly mistimed lunge at the ball, but surely there was no hurtful intent at all. Now the ban is getting extended for all the wrong reasons!.
Ohh come on for goodness sake!. What most fans are saying here, is there's a huge difference between deliberate and accidental. This is a really bad idea to extend the ban, and I think they are doing it for the wrong reasons.
Even if there was no intent to injure (and I don't believe there was) the tackle was clearly and obviously reckless, and the injuries suffered a foreseeable result of that recklessness. It's important to properly mark such a disregard for a fellow player's safety.
It reminds me of Phillips at Wembley, which was also reckless, but nowhere near as bad as it looked. And it doesn't help when the opposition overact, like the player has been hit with an axe!. Yeah I know this one was bad because it was head high after all, and with his studs. And just think of how much worse it could have been as well. But I think they shouldn't be getting involved here and changing the rules as and when it suits them.
I don't believe Roberts was being malicious. What he did though could have resulted in something far more serious than a leg break and that's bad enough.
Yes - which is why he was sent off, and why he should have got a three match ban, as the game laws dictate. It was serious foul play. Endangering an opponent. The sanction for that is written. It wasn’t any more than that - the injury sustained by Mateta is horrendous but unfortunate. A longer suspension because Steve Parrish has had a whinge, certain sections of society are shouting faux outrage, and because the FA fancied taking a moral high ground where there was no need to - it’s plain wrong. Increasing the suspension sets a dangerous precedent - they can essentially tear up their own law book and do whatever they like. Roberts doesn’t play the league games anyway - though he does generally make the matchday squads and bench. He will get appearance bonus for that which he’s being denied. Increasing the sanction also brings the incident back into the news when they know he and his family have been getting vile abuse and threats. They have abused their power and abandoned their duty of care to Liam Roberts as a player in favour of issuing an unjust ban due to trial by media. There will be a worse challenge in one of the top five or six leagues this weekend. One with malicious intent. Whether or not any injury incurred makes little odds. Whoever does it won’t get a six match ban.
I think that was to show solidarity to him. Especially as he's been getting a lot of jip online etc. Fair play to them in say.
It was dangerous, the injury could have been worse. I'm sure Liam has had a shitty week, he obviously didn't mean to cause Mateta harm.