For those interested, the date of the next FAB meeting has been changed from Thursday 13/03 to Tuesday 18/03. The Agenda is as follows: Priority 1 - Meeting Minutes - process! Previous (Feb) Agenda Items - carried forward. Safe Standing Update. Memorial Area. Fanzone Feedback. Disability Issues. Grove Street Traffic. FAB Twitter Questions. Other Club / Fan Engagement Channels. AOB. If anyone has any questions please post on here and we'll take them forward. I do recognise that there are some on here who have asked for updates on previously raised issues. We will re-surface these with the Club at the first opportunity - probably after next week's meeting.
Why is the proposed fan-zone going to be powered by dirty CO2 emitting generators rather than being wired to the grid?
Can you ask them to get the matchday commentators to switch off their audio feeds at HT and FT, I'm not having a dig just passing on some info that might save someone some embarrassment further down the line. I have personally heard bits and bobs at HT previously on midweek games which I struggle to attend but my mate didn't go Saturday as he was poorly but he said 2 blokes were chatting about what they were having for tea 5 mins after the game, apparently one was having left over Kebab from the night before it made me laugh after a **** match aswell, but yep just wanted to pass it back before someone drops an f bomb or something unpleasant is said costing someone their job. Like I said I've heard background noise before and mumbling but apparently Saturday was very clear ?
Can we have kits/team wear that badges/sponsers don’t wash off when even following the washing instructions etc - I would say that this might be more aimed at fanatics but it’s something that’s happened for a number of years before and after the club gave it too fanatics - worst one being the Toby time logo on the tracksuit that basically started peeling off after its second wash despite following the washing instructions and no fabric conditioner being used etc. charging £60 for something that looks like something out of primark after a couple of washes is really disappointing.