On a meter, gone up from £38 a month to £57 a month. Yet my pension will go up 1.7% and all other bill shot up too. Marvellous.
Same as but where's the opportunity to switch supplier, where's the free market so companies can undercut rivals, Oh there isn't one so as it's a dictatorship they can do what the **** they like. So paying bonuses for underperformance and huge wages to company bosses is fine cos we'll just pass it on to the public. Labour have said they'll fine the water companies for breaches in the rules, we'll the companies just set up a piggy bank to pay with...thank you the great British public.
I assume with Yorkshire water needing us to stump up a eye watering(pun intended )24% to invest in there business they won't be paying share holders any dividends and the top brass won't be getting any bonuses. If it needs that level of investment we are all in this together surely Yorkshire water or are we just paying a monopoly and been taken for mugs.
similar to you 77 yo pensioner on meter going up from 26£ to 46£ estimated extra usage 1 cubic metre annual OUCH
Ours has gone from £66 to £85 a month which I’m sure they’ll spend on digging the ******* road up outside our house like they have done for the last 4 years.