Sorry just saw this. Yes that's basically the cause. Same here blaming the Tories. The fact is Labour backed all the Covid policies in the sense there objections were they didn't go far enough. We created levels of debt not seen since the end of WW2. That's not to say it wasn't shambolic in its management, the root cause was the covid response.
I think you'll find that they were inciting violence mate. Think about it, why should an elderly lady spend Christmas in prison for non-violently protesting against fossil fuels, not hurting anyone but merely inconveniencing them? Yet you say these scum bags shouldn't go to prison for inciting violence which resulted in burning hotels housing asylum seekers and injuring police and firefighters in the process. You need to have a good look at yourself mate.
It's a careful line to tread sometimes when you prosecute people for inciting violence. Obviously some cases are clear and others aren't. For the record I think the overwhelming majority of cases I saw around that time seemed to be people who had Obviously crossed the line from and opinion to inciting. However for example it's been suggested more than once in this thread that Trump should be killed. If someone read that and went and murdered him would that be inciting it? Extreme example I know but it does illustrate how it's not always a clear cut part of the law to enforce.
Good point. However, inciting idiots to go round and petrol bomb a hotel just down the road from where they live with a crowd of similar idiots for company is rather different to trying to incite a serious assassin armed with a sniper's rifle to carefully plan and execute an action to assassinate the leader of the free world. I rather think that assassin wouldn't need much incitement from an idiot on Twatter...
Honestly don't disagree, just thought it was worth raising that it's one of the more ambiguous areas of law sometimes. So I'm happy to see it challenged, hopefully then as in the example you give it stands that test and we are better for it.
I think you’ll find the bar was quite low mate. Sure if they were directly inciting violence then that’s understandable. But there was one page in particular on X that the guy got put in prison for saying stuff about the Southport killings and basically saying he was a Muslim. That in itself is not inciting violence, and btw he did end up being a Muslim. But Starmer wanted to clamp down on any civil unrest so was making a point of it. Extremely slippery slope to go down against freedom of speech. I’ll try and find the username of the page and you can see for yourself, while you may not agree with it he definitely wasn’t inciting any violence.
And as the other poster said I’ve definitely seen posters on here wanting a bullet for Trump. Should be arrested for that via the same logic then yeah??
Don't bother mate, I closed my Twatter account months ago so I wouldn't be able to look at it anyway. As an aside, if this person you talk about has a case then he should be able to appeal his sentence with a good chance of getting a reduction. For what it's worth, I think there was an overreaction by the courts which is wrong and should be rectified where the individual case warrants it.
Does it surprise you, that's him all over likes to gas light and provoke this sort of thing then as soon as someone calls him out on his behaviour... "I'm getting you banned" what a wet wipe.
Where is the evidence to suggest the murderer was a Muslim? As for your complaining about morons getting locked up for social media posts, it’s nearly as crazy a notion as getting years in jail for defacing a painting.
Can you both just rein it in a bit please. Sounds like you can’t get on, so I suggest the three of you just put each other on ignore rather than get dragged into petty squabbling. Cheers.
You've only replied to me though? I don't think I've done much wrong tbh. Maybe scroll back through your own thread and you could warn some others.
He had an Al-Quiada training book I thought And yep more or less agree on your second point there Edited with link- In the link provided it states he wasn't muslim and was in fact raised by Christian parents.
Yes Christian parents but radicalized. Don’t know many devout Christians with al-quiada training manuals