I hope it will be good. If not, a shame they'll have undermined what was otherwise a series with a really strong ending.
Great show. Side note, streaming has left me very frustrated with shows. The gaps between seasons are sometimes years.
Fully agree. An example is Wednesday. It took Netflix by storm way back in 2022 especially with the younger audience. Season two is estimated to be streamed in autumn this year. When it's targeted at a younger audience a threesome year gap means that it's original audience have moved into a totally different stage of their lives. Another example is squid game, over three years gap. Killed it I believe streaming by airing seasons all at once has caused the death of long term series' because nobody is invested in the next season, it's one and one.
Yes agree that's an issue too. I remember being young and being g excited at a new episode of a show coming. Even now when shows are released weekly on streaming I look forward to it. The release all does nothing to build a show. It's last week's news literally.
I’m completely the opposite with most shows - I won’t watch episode by episode and wait a week in between - I’d rather wait for the whole season to be available and then watch in a binge as I see fit
I enjoy a binge too sometimes so I get it. Like when you discover an old show. However i think it's counterproductive to building hype and long term popularity. This in turn means that shows only get 1 season at a time signed off and hence the long waits between seasons. So while you may get to binge it all in one go than day over 10 weeks, you then have to wait 2-3 years for the next season.
If we want quality shows, which I certainly do, I think rationing the amount of them is no bad thing. In an ideal world, I’d like commissioning editors to ask for an outline of a whole series from the outset, and to agree with the writers the maximum number of episodes they expect a show to last. The writers could then deliver their story fully in the available time, no more extra seasons and dragging the story out because the show is popular and commercially lucrative. Unfortunately that will never happen, but that’s what I’d like. You can have too much of a good thing.
Ted Lasso. Never seen but I f**kin hate it. Herds of Americans led by some stupid guide across Richmond Green looking for some pub called ‘The Crown & Anchor’. No. It’s not there because it’s called The Princes Head. Having their photos taken by a red telephone box. Why? We’ve got a Ted Lasso Store and an ‘Official’ Ted Lasso Store stuffed with Americans and crap souvenirs that say ‘Believe’ on em. What’s that about? F**k off Ted Lasso.
Is it worth sticking with? I've struggled through a few episodes and it seemed to be fairly cliched stuff. I've sat in management training where they've played clips to show 'good management'. Hmm. Does it get better?