Echo this. However, personally I’m not a fan of most religion I’ve taken the time to learn about - (admittedly about 3 lol) . Christianity - why would I want to go to heaven of the premise of a ‘God’ who killed everyone barring one family with a massive flood? That’s mass genocide in my eyes, not a cleansing. Islam - why would I want to believe in someone who married a minor, the girl was betrothed to Muhammad at the age of six or seven and then moved into his home at the age of 10? Although, I will never judge someone for being a follower of any and I hope their following gives them peace, hope and the correct direction to being a good person. Said it before, as long as you’re reyt with me then I’m reyt with you.
I’ve tried to find the page but that got shut down, his first name was Wayne and page was “enough is enough” or something like that. Didn’t agree with all his views but wasn’t inciting violence. He had strong opinions about basically stopping the boats more or less. Anyway my point isn’t about religion but just freedom of speech, even if I don’t agree or are appalled by someone else’s opinion I still believe in people’s right to share. Anyway yes let’s try and get a winner here. And let’s moan about that instead
Ahhhh you mean Wayne O'Rourke who posted photos of a riot accompanied with "go on lads" told people in Southport that "numbers are important. Give them hell lads" during a riot. Told thugs to "hold the line" So again, no he wasn't locked up for saying "enough is enough", he was locked up for inciting people during a riot
Yeah that’s the one mate. And okay yeah I didn’t see them tweets but if that’s the case then you’re right- my fault. I didn’t follow him myself and he must’ve deleted the riot tweets- I only saw stuff about stopping the boats, etc. So will give you that argument and will take that on the chin
Yeah I get that. But you would be as utterly devastated knowing they were in paradise. Just a thought, same as you I don't believe in any afterlife. Mainly because it makes no sense at all and all the evidence suggests otherwise. So maybe I've got it wrong but was always just a thought. I find it incredibly sad when someone I know dies as that's the end of their existence.
Nothing like conceding a [emoji[emoji6][emoji6]][emoji[emoji6][emoji6]]th minute winner to ruin a Saturday
Not sure if it ruined it or not…wasn’t planning on having a drink finished up cracking a a Guinness of 5
Lunacy that trump will have died of old age before being held to account for his reckless acts. Can’t believe he’s allowing his country to be bitched by Russia while a South African cleans up the profits.
They've turned their own lives around so credit to them if they need to believe in something nonsensical then that doesn't really hurt anyone. There are several Bible verses that describe or even seem to endorse harm toward others, particularly in the context of war, punishment, or divine judgment. Many of these verses come from the Old Testament, where acts of violence are sometimes commanded or carried out as part of justice, warfare, or maintaining religious purity. However, the interpretation of these verses is often complex, influenced by historical and cultural contexts.
I always took it as God had a change of heart after the old testament and iinstead of vengeance gave his son so the meek could inherit the earth and turn the other cheek , hate the sin not the sinner etc etc. But I'm agnostic and dont believe in an afterlife either.
I mean it's one view. The omnipresent mastermind the whole Universe which is unfathomable in its size. Bound to make some mistakes with his pet apes on one little rock in one little galaxy.
I do believe in some form of afterlife. We are made up of millions of atoms, molecules etc. So, effectively we are all matter. Matter can neither be created or destroyed so in some form we exist and continue. Its the idea of our present form and our current consciousness disappearing that is perhaps upsetting. We're all unique aren't we? I just like to think that when I die any contributions I've made to the planet, society, other peoples lives have overall been a good thing. I'll still be around in some form/s though.... If that means I'll be in some kind of heaven/valhalla type place Im not so sure. I dont think any human can categorically say anything on that one way or the other because its unverifiable. You have to have a faith to believe that that happens. All the better if it does of course
There are probably billions of people having a faith in some kind of God the act of harm in the name of these God's must be a miniscule percentage. More violence happens in the u.k through drug related things I'd say than people reading the bible or going to church then wanting to harm someone. I'm not massively religious myself but I don't think it does much harm and I don't get triggered by anyone else having a faith. I don't think England is very religious country the church of England was only formed some 500 years ago was it? Because our king wanted more wife's?
I sometimes disagree with you but I agree with you (and your analysis of Henry VIII, although simplistic is essentially correct) Anyway, this is supposed to be a Trump thread.. I think he's a psychotic, narcissistic, racist, moronic, bullying rapist and loser....just to get things back on track