Including me need to shut our Gobs We know bugger all about football Today you witnessed a top 3or 4 team playing exactly like they should The chairman and his director of football both claim there's nothing wrong and are very happy with the state of play. You heard it first on Radio Sheffield straight from the horses mouth So what have we to moan about. The chairman's happy.
Did he actually say top three or four teams in this league or did he simply say top three or four? If so perhaps he meant that the squad is capable of the top three or four divisions in the country.
Thinking about what Neerav said, isn’t it a bit self contradictory? He claims this is a ‘top 3 or 4 squad’, but then sites ‘clubs burning unlimited amounts of money’ as what we’re up against. As I see it, the current top 3 are wealthy. Birmingham spending silly money, Wrexham buying their way through the leagues & Wycombe with the financial clout to turn down big offers for their players. If it’s not them, it’s usually someone else, it doesn’t really change from season to season. So the question is, how does he see us as ‘top 3 or 4’, but in the same breath tells us to be realistic and accept we can’t compete financially with the teams that currently occupy those places? The easiest thing in the world to say we’d be great if it wasn’t for better teams, but the truth is we’re currently in danger of not even finishing in the top half, let alone top 3 or 4.
Our form over the last 12 or 13 games is definitely bottom 4, not top 4. We’ve played a very poor side with the worst away record in the league and scrambled a point in injury time. Diabolical.