Mr C
Last Activity:
Mar 15, 2025
Aug 9, 2011
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Saving the world.

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Mr C

Well-Known Member, from Wentworth

Will bob em in post tomorrow.. Dec 16, 2020

Mr C was last seen:
Mar 15, 2025
    1. Gor
      Gordon Ottershaw
      Is this how I send a private message?

      So what’s happening? A lass has lured you across the ocean I hear. When’s this happening?
      1. Mr C likes this.
      2. Mr C
        Mr C
        Eyup mate. can anybody else see this.? text me .. 07934 228146
        Nov 18, 2022
    2. SouthCoastTyke
      SouthCoastTyke link 2
      1. Mr C likes this.
    3. bob
      Cheers. Payment should be with you this morning
    4. Mr C
      Mr C
      Will bob em in post tomorrow..
    5. Mr C
      Mr C
      Yes mate. PayPal-
    6. bob
      Any of those paintings left mate?
      1. Mr C likes this.
      2. Mr C
        Mr C
        Yes mate. Want a couple?
        Dec 15, 2020
      3. bob
        Yes please mate. 4 Schofield place darfield, s739ea. Can pay with paypal
        Dec 16, 2020
        Mr C likes this.
    7. Snaptin
      I'd like a copy please mate
      1. Mr C likes this.
      2. Mr C
        Mr C
        send me delivery address & preferred method of paymet. ta.. x
        Nov 14, 2020
      3. Mr C
        Mr C
        Hi mate, do you still want the oakwell prints? Cheers, C
        Nov 23, 2020
    8. Dalestykes
      I’ll take the Paintings please Mr C. Just let me know what details I need to send you.
      1. Mr C likes this.
      2. View previous comments...
      3. Dalestykes
        That's gone Paul. Address. 2 St Mathews Terrace, Leyburn.DL85EL. Cheers.
        Nov 16, 2020
      4. Dalestykes
        Did you get this Paul?
        Nov 20, 2020
        Mr C likes this.
      5. Mr C
        Mr C
        yes, mate. will post on monday. cheers.
        Nov 21, 2020
        Dalestykes likes this.
    9. man
      Hi mate have u got any sets left? Thanks
    10. Mr C
    11. ark
      ark104 (v2)
      Definitely. Do you mind if I tidy it up a bit rather than rushed BBS language? I know you know this, but I wouldn't worry about some of the posts on here, if your work is provoking debate I reckon you're doing something right.
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  • About

    Saving the world.
    XBox 360 Gamer ID:
    I have absolutely
    PS3 Gamer ID:
    no idea what any
    Wii User:
    of this crap means?
    Games I play:
    Hemsworth Tyking & thereev baiting.
    Where I sit at Oakwell:
    On the terraces.
    Favourite Player:
    Sócrates Brasileiro Sampaio de Souza Vieira de Oliveira
    Sold out for London, messed about with music and art, looks after old stuff, will always be poor.

    Bullshitting & taking the piss.


    Befoor tha sez owt - tharracock.