Separate names with a comma.
When exactly have you seen anyone in government display behaviour like that ?
Jill Dando is not a fan. Think about it - who is the one person to have benefitted most from Dando's demise ....
Narthen Terence It's a yes from me. Life is simply too short to get in the way of any ***** on ***** action.
my wife left me because of my chronic OCD. As she was leaving, I shouted to her - 'don't forget to close the door 5 times on your way out'
Ha Ha - I love that ! I'm not sure I can do it - maybe a little trim up but not the full Monty. Not without some written confirmation from your...
Kin'ell - that's a bit harsh (much like the wire wooled fannies of the late 80's)
Don't get me wrong - each to their own and I respect that choice. My era though is one where men don't need to shave to conform. And I get mine...
I'm like a lemon when it comes to balls - firmly in the unwaxed camp. I work in a male dominated environment where having you're tackle out in...
is it possible to stream the Ashes for nowt from anywhere ?
There is logic in there somewhere - you just need to look for it harder. It's there, somewhere
Twenty-one convicted in West Midlands child sex abuse inquiry - BBC News dread to think what they must have been doing to warrant the length of...
I love this
All of the above, and would quite happily tell anyone
How good is Harry Brook........... Averaging 80 in Tests - good on you lad
You ok mate ?
More recent than you mate - I was there from 2012 to 2020 and I worked for the charity that used to fund research and ran various services - nurse...
I used to love working around that way - The Rec Club was quite a place and the walls could tell stories - the nurses once played a netball match...
Did you ever drink in The Rec Club ?
When were you at The Royal Free ? I was there 7 years and could tell some stories .............
I was partial to a nurse back in the day. Was once intimate with one on Hampstead Heath and the following day a lovely elderly couple went into...