Separate names with a comma.
That's the bunny - the one that Mr Thought Police pompey-red Parson had said no one had referred to which I referred to earlier. But of course,...
Not found irony in the dictionary yet then...
I prefer Dr. Kings take. An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of...
Ok - I see the argument - I don't agree with it. It's not like it was the stature of Churchill or the cenotaph. Unless this character was also...
It would be good if you did.
Isambard Kingdom Brunel Lee Johnston I'm sorry but my knowledge of Bristol is limited tot he fact they have an interesting bridge, two football...
I think a kid went to jail for urinating on a war memorial in Sheffield. But he pee'd on it - he choose to pee on the memorial his motivation was...
[The petition] set up on the 38 degrees website three years ago, and was one of many online petitions set up over the years that called for the...
not just on here - in fecking Bristol A petition for it's removal gathered 103 signatures in 3 years. Hardly a public outcry.
Shouting out the hypocrisy and double standards of the libernazi's and woke sjw (p)ricks. too ******* right.
Oh the irony
Hmmmmm. ok.
Nice to see the usual Snowflake decision-making matrix is fully operational and working without a hitch.! [ATTACH]
You obviously don't work in an office.
Lets face it it's me and you - i.e. the taxman in reality that' gets stung here from outstanding tax and NI on players wages, VAT etc.. I don't...
Fantastic that less well-known charities are getting support - Well done.
As others have mentioned it could be for a credit records check. We had all sorts of trouble recruiting for the car repair centre down near...
It's a secret way of just donating the money to the club. Take the ticket - shred it. Job done.
One for the train geeks. [ATTACH]
Lord help them I'm certainly no fan of the police - but they're on a hiding to nothing at the minute.