OK - I dont but then I live 200 miles away - I do know a few that tune in to iFollow from "abroad" paying approx £10 but these are all people who would be at the game if they could be I also have no evidence but I dont think there are many that are currently attending games who would then start watching on iFollow instead. and at least those would be paying the club something. At the moment anyone doing it on a dodgy stream ( rather than iFollow from abroad) isnt paying anything to the club
I think folk with dodgy sticks will carry on using them regardless. I'd keep the 3 on blackout personally.
There's no way I'll be travelling to away games, but I'd watch plenty of 3pm away games on iFollow if I was given the chance. I can't imagine I'm alone in that. At the moment I can't be bothered messing around with a VPN, so the end result is that the club get nothing from me on away days. That's the market I'd like to see opened up, not more games appearing on Sky, etc.
Aaah the good old days even before Ceefax, when we'd sit beside the radio if we couldn't make it to an away game lol. Then watching the video printer on the beeb for the final confirmation....
That reminds me of taking my trusty Sanyo transistor radio out on a Saturday afternoon when out shopping with my girlfriend.
The only real way if you can to watch a match is live at the stadium , any tv coverage simply follows the ball & thats the view you get ,whilst when watching from the stands you can turn your head any way you like and get a different wider view of everything that is going on on & off the pitch but the armchair view is better than nothing , incidentally I find that the armchair fans tend to be the most critical especially if the game is not going well whilst those actually attending the game tend to collect their thoughts & reflect after the 90 minutes before coming on here with their thoughts whilst the armchair fans are commenting on here throughout the game .
Reguarly see at least one bloke with a tranny up against his ear at home games. Come to think of it, not seen him in a while. Hope he's Ok.
On armchair fans, I tend to agree, but I've noticed when it's our player x who gets slated week in week out, then we get one match live on telly, people have a proper look at the player and opinons change. Maybe they see less what they do bad and more what they do well.
I feel that tv does not really cover an individuals performance anywhere like watching live does, as I have said tv cameras follow the ball which is fine but when you are watching live you can follow players off the ball , the runs they make , the closing down , the marking , the organising etc, during a game a player goes through over 95% of the game off the ball but that is where they can make major contributions.
The 3pm blackout should be scrapped. People should have the choice to watch however they want, if they want to stay at home or have to stay at home, why should they not be able to see their team legally?
One FIFA run (or smaller scale, EFL) football streaming site. All games broadcast live and on demand (on replay) Almost every club now has the technology to provide a stream to the service Sky, BT etc. now an unnecessary and redundant middle man, causing fragmented coverage A nominal cost to the viewer per match watched Proceeds going to the clubs involved with a small percentage being distributed amongst all clubs Cost significantly lower than current typical costs because the additional views will provide economies of scale Every game in the world potentially available to watch (want to watch an ex-Red play in the Bulgarian second division? No worries) Fans can follow clubs in every league, in every country, massively increasing overall revenue Of course this will never happen.
But at the same time the armchair fans are not shouting obscenities at the players during the match either. It isn't that those at the match are sitting politely collecting their thoughts at all. They're saying exactly what they think out loud in the stands and for someone at home posting on here is just their way of doing that.
I was going to suggest that with the additional revenues from streaming worldwide the clubs could add pitchside speakers so that armchair fans can sing obscenities at female physios, tell the players they've never been footballers and all that 'fun'. At the family club Millwall they can install retracted keyboard controlled knives in the seats so their armchair supporters can continue being <family friendly>.
You are missing my point, when you are watching on tv you are simply not getting the full picture & as well as letting the players know what they feel when things are going bad by the same token the crowd can act as a 12th man & get behind the team, to be honest I watch a lot of the away games on I follow but there is no comparison to watching the game live at the stadium.