.....Thinking 'out of the (Christmas) box' IF they are talking about a break in restrictions where one day equals a further 5 of lockdown... and the Independent hints as a 25 day January lockdown, why not just postpone Christmas for two or three weeks? MId to late January gives the added bonus of a slight increase in the chance of a White Christmas as it always seems to snow when the decorations are coming down and everyone is back at work! 25th January is an arbitrary date anyway and only 2 bank holidays off Xmas day and Boxing day . Many people work boxing day normally anyway as the Sales start earlier and earlier each year. By mid January there is a chance the current lockdown may have started to take effect not to mention we would be two or three weeks nearer to the vaccines being rolled out. Seems daft to undo all the sacrifices businesses and individuals are making with the lockdown just so we can have two days 'knees-up' as if everything was back to normal.
My knee's up is usually in house with Jeff Stelling on the box after I've watched the King George on Racing TV.
Personally for me I can't see the point. It wouldn't feel remotely the same. Plus I've got 2 weeks of leave booked at Christmas and looking forward to that. Changing everyone's annual leave in big organisations such as NHS would be a nightmare at this stage. I live alone and haven't seen my parents or sister etc for months on end. People need this for their wellbeings. If it were up to me, id have a 3 day break from restrictions starting Christmas Eve in order to allow families to be together and it be their judgement call in terms of risk to individual health.
Christmas is Christmas. Pretend it's later and it's just a random Sunday dinner. They just need to stop ******* around with lockdowns. People die. Get over it. If someone is high risk then take extra precautions and some personal responsibility. I know that people can't do a great deal about their safety in care homes but every single person who posts on here who says they've had it caught it because they didn't follow the rules well enough. Obviously certain professions such as nursing is different. My point is that if you are high risk you can choose to protect our own life, it's absolutely mental that everyone is having their lives ruined in some show of solidarity.
For me, l can’t see the point in ‘having a break’ for Christmas. And I know a fair few who think the same. One day could easily send us into another lockdown in January. Just not worth it. Just need to wipe 2020 off in full and start again in 2021 and then start to learn to just having to live with it. People may argue that for mental health issues a Christmas break might be good (and I get that), but another inevitable lockdown after this just makes it even worse anyway for Mental Health. The government can’t win whichever way they go. And they also can’t promise affects of Christmas will not affect Jan restrictions. And sadly, live every country where democracy exists, there’s always idiots who spoil things. That’s why China got it under control quickly - the citizens know if they don’t comply, they’ll get a beating and thrown Into jail.
Can't understand all the fuss about Christmas anyway. It's just a day's holiday. I think we should just forget it this year and have a bloody big party when covid's gone. Actually, scrap Christmas permanently and replace it with "Covid gone Day"... Something proper to celebrate rather than the birth of some bloke 2000 years ago...
Wow , " People die. Get over it " , not the most sympathetic comment I have ever read , wouldn"t you like to reconsider that statement ?
Or because someone else didn't. Or because they're front-line NHS workers. Or because they work in a school. Or because their kids go to school. Or... Or... Or... Or... But yeah, if you've been daft enough to catch it, it must be your own fault. FFS.
It’s utterly bizarre that people have bought into this notion that to have a bit of joy or normalcy in your life you somehow have to pay penance for it in the form of further lockdowns etc. People have been gaslighted.
It's very true though isn't it? 100% of all people will die. We are currently having daily running figures of deaths caused by one illness. That's the most abnormal thing of the whole Covid situation in my opinion.
I was replying to a comment regarding the covid , unless I misunderstood it & yes we all die, but not of covid & to be honest if you have just lost a loved one , the last thing you want is someone telling you to " Get over it "
Of course I get that. My take on the post was a wider point that we need to accept deaths and grieving are common place. We all die of something and we seem to have created a situation where Covid deaths are unacceptable to society where others causes seem irrelevant. That's how I interrupted the post, and it's the way I feel things are at the moment.
Death is an unpleasant certainty in life and obviously any death related to Covid is a terrible thing...... but there has to be perspective. This year the worldwide deaths caused by Covid as of this minute are 1,356,645 which is clearly far too high. It is worth doing a comparison though to see how it compares with other causes of death. The following figures have just been copied and pasted from the worldometers.info website. As you can see, the number of deaths attributable to AIDS this year considerably outstrips Covid deaths and Suicide isn't all that far behind. Deaths caused by alcohol and cigarettes are almost double and quadruple the Covid deaths respectively, and the deaths caused by Cancer is almost six times as high. Its not shown on that table but the number of deaths relating to traffic accidents is currently only just lagging behind Covid at 1,196,009, so why aren't the media warning us not to drive in our cars or get on buses? It should also be taken into account that Covid deaths 'include death for any reason within 28 days of a positive Covid test'. I personally know of two people who died from cancer and heart attack who were both indicated as Covid deaths on their death certificates. I wonder how many of those alcohol and suicide deaths could be directly linked to the lockdown restrictions. I don't know the answer but I would be surprised if it wasn't a significant proportion.
It’s nothing to do with a show of solidarity you knob. It’s literally impossible to protect only those that are high risk while everyone else pretends nothing is happening. Literally impossible. You’ve been on this train now for months, every time I ask you or anyone else for how that would actually work you go quiet.
And for the record, the OP is ridiculous. The 25 day lockdown in January is proposed to combat a relaxation of restrictions for Christmas. If Christmas gets ‘moved’ to January there’s no reason for the 25 day lockdown until after the ‘rescheduled’ Christmas. There’s no magical switch that makes Covid go away 25 days into January.
The current situation isn't really protecting them anyway just ruining lives. Don't know how often you go out at the moment and I I assume you are still working from home. Those who are going out to work and spending time out and about will tell you, we aren't in any kind of lockdown, we've just shut hospitality and some shops. Households are Mixing freely and workplaces and supermarkets see people Mixing freely.
Yeah I know. I'm not saying the current one is good. It's ******* pointless. Even more so than the first pointless one.