Ask Airbus. They are threatening to move 14,000 direct jobs out of the UK if the country leaves the single market and the customs union. And another 100,000+ jobs in the UK are in the supply chain, so need Airbus in this country - as does the government for the tax receipts for the £8bn per year it brings in. If you get chance, nip over to Dublin and have a look how many London-based banks are opening offices in the Docklands. And how many jobs are going that way. Anecdotally, its a boom time for Wicklow estate agents, with a massive waiting list of people wanting to move from the UK.
Erm. No. Get out of this once great BBS and take YOUR ****** elsewhere. Remoaner till I die. (Have a couple of weeks off and refrain from posting trolling crap like this. )
Funny thing, sovereignty. It comes from the Westphalian model of state foundation introduced at the end of the Thirty Years war, in the cities of Osnabruck and Munster and effectively brought to an end the European Wars of Religion. So that makes it another thing to thank the Germans for. Yes, sovereignty can be important. Mainly to those at the top of the class system. For the other 99%, we just get to do what we are told and how much tax to pay - irrespective of whether those telling us are hundreds of miles away in London or hundreds of miles away in Brussels. The only people who are affected by who makes laws are those to want their view reflected in those laws. So really, you have about as much sovereignty as a pet. The people who really want sovereignty are those who want to control the laws that are made, so the likes of Murdoch, Rothermere and the other press barons who think they control the country. For the 99%, sovereignty is an illusion, which is still better than dictatorships, such as Belarus, but your vote doesn't really affect much of anything and your views are about as relevant as last nights chip paper unless you empower the demagogues. And Nigel Lawson moving to France, Nigel Farage's kids having German passports. Another leading Leave campaign person taking up Maltese citizenship.
He's anit-abortion- his company sells abortion pills! Condemns Russia - his companies trade with...Russia
This bloke Lawson lives in France and as aplyed for French citizenship he must be the biggest 2 face **** ever.
And once everything is agreed, every single company, organization and individual in the UK has to re-examine every single business process it has to determine if it needs updating to comply with the new agreement and they are operating legally. And they have potentially less than 9 months to do that in if the agreement comes in tomorrow. Let me give you some examples. If a company employs Jakub from Poland, how long can they continue to employ him? Is his driving licence still valid? does he retain the rights to work across borders? What about Adam, who was born in Germany, but moved here with his parents as a 2 year old in 2000 and has dual-citizenship, but will lose half because the UK is leaving the EU. Can he continue to work here, etc? What extra-paperwork do you have to fill in to export widgets to the EU in the future, or import components for the new cars/planes, etc that you are building. Are companies going to piss around waiting for the government to tell them what is going to happen, or are they going to move investment, opportunities and jobs to somewhere with short, medium and long-term stability. On the national level, we need new government agencies to replace the EMA, Euroatom, etc, etc that have to be setup, ratified and ready to go from the day we leave. Where are those agencies, which need to be in place in 9 months? Nobody in the news or politics seems to be picking up on this, but this is going to cost the British economy billions over the next year or so. Brexit is a great example of millions of people voting for something they will never have to lose everything they already have.
We all know this is some pathetic WUM bllx, but anyway, when the largest coking plant in Europe closed at Manvers it was left to rot until the European investment fund built on it. If you think that kind of investment would ever happen from a Tory govt then you and anyone else who believes it is truly A traitor of the North and should just get in the sea.
Well they might have to change a few things but your becoming hysterical chill out they want a deal as much as us , we just need a good negotiator, like Trumpy
Remain, leave, Brexit means Brexit, etc etc etc. I'm more interested in getting shut of this fccckin shower of a government. The Tories are the issue. I voted remain. I voted Labour. With Corbyn who I admire massively. Yet he's clearly for some kind of Brexit, isn't he? It's the one thing that bothers me about him. If he/Labour announced Monday morning that Labour were behind another vote, or that they were against leaving the EU, I think that's the Tories done. So why isn't he/they? Anyone?
All on the back of the anti-Muslim agenda. Muslims, who aren't generally living in Europe. But #FreeTommy before his bum hole evaporates.
Trump is a big racist, massive sexist, I would suggest he's probably a huge criminal in a few differing regards too. And above all that, he's just not very bright. But he'd be an improvement on the shower we have as a government, propped up by the delightful DUP remember.
???.. It's a fact .. Plus the added bonus of the growth of a new Far Right politics on the back of it.