Actual reporting on the feeling in America and reading about how they do the polling. I thought he was miles behind but much more positive noises recently in his favour. Still think he’ll struggle, but as always it’ll be dependent on the media you consume. He’ll definitely not win the popular vote that’s for sure.
I think Betting on politics is stupid, but if I was to put money on it, my money would be on Biden getting over 400 Electoral College votes. I put that at about a 25% chance of happening at this point, based on the data coming in, but you can get 7/1 odds on it with Skybet. Trump winning I put at about a 10% chance, but you can only get 7/4 odds on it.
He's polling badly with the elderly this time around, especially in Florida, which is not good for him. Many are putting that down to his abuse of Biden based on his age - the jokes around nursing homes etc. I don't know if he's going to lose the over 65s vote, but I think he will lose ground there compared to 2016. That combined with the highly charged youth vote this year, from what I've seen, along with the Clinton factor from 2016 will be enough to secure the election for Biden.
I've listened to both Trump and Biden over the past few months and have drawn the conclusion that they are both as bad but in different ways. Trumps failings, especially as a complete motormouth, have just been more in focus with him being the current POTUS. As for Biden it's a bit like being the opposition party over here, you can say anything to get the vote but then be equally as clueless once in power. How is it that out of those hundreds of millions of people are these two the front runners for republicans and democrats alike? Democrats could have backed a candidate in their prime with energy and fresh ideas. Someone to warm to, what do they do? Wheel out Biden lol.. Defo a frying pan / fire scenario but I guess on the whole Biden gets the edge and takes the frying pan accolade.
I really liked Pete Buttigieg from the primaries, but I think it might have been just too soon for him. Sanders was also a good choice, but hardly in his 'prime'. I don't think Harris is too bad, I can see her having to take over in the next 4 years anyway. AOC will be a good candidate in a few years time, but I don't think America is ready for her just yet.
Eternal negativity cast by the Brexit and the 2016 US election has swayed me. I saw the odds on both occasions with betfair and went to sleep each time in comfort thinking the side I wanted to win will comfortably succeed. I was wrong. Twice.
Interesting fact I read yesterday; no Republican president has won the popular vote for more than 30 years. Electoral college my arse....
And Vatican City has the most crimes per capita. When the sample size is small the only thing statistics show us is how flawed they can be. Even with huge numbers they're not always great. The average person has both male and female sex organs and smokes three cigarettes per day.
I’m still expecting a comfortable Trump victory (320+ electoral college votes). I also think he will win the popular vote.
You’re just ignoring logic if you think he’ll win the popular vote. There’s a slim chance of an electoral college victory, but basically no chance of a popular vote victory.
He wont win the popular vote but I expect he will win the electoral college - 2020 has been so catastrophic I long since gave up expecting anything to take the least bad path. Not a Biden fan either but he is in my view the least bad of the 2 so he will lose
. This fear of so called ANTIFA is Fake fear stoked up by Trump and his supporters on the right. What we have seen in the last few days is Trump once again praising lawlessness and his supporters intimidating voters with his encouragement. The FBI (not notably left wing) produced figures relating to 900 politically motivated attacks since 1994. In only one of these cases was the perpetrator an anti-facist and in that incident it was him who was killed. In the same period White Supremacists and other right wing extremists have carried out attacks that left at least 329 victims dead. Biden has disowned the rioters. Trump has encouraged lawlessness.
It isn't Fake Fear at all. I've seen people's homes and livelihoods affected and destroyed under the name of ANTIFA. Biden has struggled at times to disown them, it's one of the reasons the election is closer than it needed to be.
Yes you're possibly right. I'll settle for a win on the electoral college vote though because that is what my bet is on.
Yes. I'm not in the slightest bit political but I have a bet on a Trump victory. Trump Losing will cost me around £250. If he wins I get about £750.... so obviously I'm hoping for a Trump win. In a two horse race I don't back the one I like the look of. I back the one I think is most likely to win.
Nobody in their right mind should 'disown' Antifa as a general group of people. It literally just means anti-fascism. If you're against Antifa as an ideology, you're pro-fascism. I think the rioting and looting is terrible, but that's such a tiny minority of protesters. It absolutely happens, I've literally been on facetime with friends that were involved with the protests, it's such a tiny minority that give the rest a bad name. In many cases legitimate protesters caught the rioters and handed them over to the police.