Ha ha, beat me to it. Depicts the madness of ideologies like socialism/communism so simply even Corbyn's acolytes should be able to understand it........ The book should (still) be required reading for all kids at school.
Communism. Communism. try reading all of Orwell’s works and come back to discuss his views on Socialism. all of them should be required reading, at the very least it’d stop morons thinking communism and socialism are the same thing.
You're absolutely right, there's no relationship between socialism and communism, one definitely can't morph into the other...... Seems I was wrong about the average intellect of Corbyn's groupies.
You’d be wrong to accuse me of being a Corbyn groupie too. you’re not having a good day are you? Try The road to Wigan Pier as a starter and go in from there. George Orwell is a hero to socialists, for you to ignorantly suggest he was anti socialism just shows ignorance tbh. Opening of Orwell’s wiki page for you... George Orwell, was an English novelist and essayist, journalist and critic.[2] His work is characterised by lucid prose, awareness of social injustice, opposition to totalitarianism, and outspoken support of democratic socialism.
Come on mate, we've had good debates before and I know you're well read. Suggesting Animal Farm is Orwell rejecting the principles of socialism is like arguing The Fountainhead is Ayn Rand's attack on fiscal conservatism
George Orwell wrote more sense about Socialism than pretty much anyone. As above try The Road to Wigan Pier. Down and Out in Paris and London good as well.
If i could give the labour part two tips they would be 1. If you want people to stop thinking you are communists stop calling each other “comrade” 2. Don’t use the phrase “radical agenda”
It’s not the Labour party’s fault that people are ignorant. not defending them - but we’ve allowed a very right wing agenda to take over our media and government, so what is ‘normal’ or centre left in Mainland Europe is sadly seen as ‘radical’ in the UK.
they use the word “radical” all the time. They have said “we need a more radical agenda next time” - people don’t want radical. It’s terrible electioneering. What works on protest marches doesn’t equate to a general election campaign.
What is happening in this country, and will happen over the next few years, is about as radical as it gets. Unfortunately, it is right wing radicalism. I try to console myself with the thought that I’ll be entirely blameless. Not much of a consolation though.
Whilst you have a point re communications it’s **** all to do with the original point that communism and socialism are intrinsically different. as @Old Gimmer posted; what’s happened to this country and will continue is more ‘radical’ compared to our post 1945 history than anything Labour proposed. Which was more about getting us back to ‘normal’ levels of investment. it’s only radical compared to the Tories ripping the heart out of the country and taking us back to the 19th century.