Just had a meeting at football club & what I can make out of it is, is that I didn't go grovelling & begging for forgiveness I am indeed facing a ban, one moment of weakness one incident & I'm banned. Now having said that, I wasn't banned for life but as far as I'm concerned if a bloke can go & threaten to break a young lasses ******* nose & not receive a ban yet I do then I'll never set foot inside Oakwell again & that is my decision, a sad affair but what can you do.
If there is nothing more to the story and it's gone how you told it in the previous thread about this situation, then it's a disgrace you've been banned.
Don’t know the story but are you saying you are facing a ban for a similar offence to what someone didn’t receive a ban for ?
Apparently I didn't say what it he wanted to hear, I'm not a mind reader. I did say if I offended anyone then I apologise but I think the decision was already made.
The truth is, I did use some swear words & I did approach a player but he also approached me I shook his hand and we had a few words no swearing just a few words but apparently if the ref had spotted that it would have got the club into a lot of trouble. Anyway what is done Is done for the time being, I may appeal, just a bit livid at the moment so let the dust settle
No, there is a thread about someone threatening to break a young lasses effing nose, he apologised & didn't get a ban & I'm fine with that but I receive a ban for using bad language.
Are you banned from watching, or just banned from accessing the areas required for maintaining the flag?
Yeh, what I meant was as soon as he said I was banned I then decided to hand in my ticket & walked out, they'll only ban me once.
Surely swearing isn’t an offence although probably in the rules about foul and offensive language. I don’t know what was said or how n what context, I would guess the majority who enter have used many a profanity so handing your ticket in seems like chucking teddy out perhaps cool down and be the bigger person, unless they will refund the cost of course
So they could have been going to say banned for three matches while you think about your actions and you've decided it's all or nothing? Or maybe banned from dealing with the banner but allowed in the ground? Not trying to be funny, just confused as to how this scenario is deemed worthy of a ban but physical threats in the car park aren't.
Yes that's me, it's just the way I am, as soon as he said there will be a ban I gave my ticket in, I decided this beforehand.
I would just take a deep breath give yourself time to reflect on what's been said.if after that what they are asking you to do is too much then you have decision to make. Don't let what the other bloke did or said cloud your judgement ,I don't know you from Adam but clearly care deeply about our football club and go above and beyond at times shame to throw that away.
Not been funny but this situation is about as clear as mud, I don't know if it's the way the OP is explaining it
No, was already told I will no longer be dealing with the flag & then was told I would be banned from attending matches.