Wonder what they'd have been like if they'd lost. https://news.sky.com/story/riots-er...-off-world-cup-upset-beating-belgium-12756774 https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-11...in-belgium-after-fifa-world-cup-win/101704692
" Cars were pelted with bricks, and steps were set on fire ". Thats a bit unfair innit. I know Steps are an appalling pop group, but they didn't deserve that!.
Seems like the so-called golden generation of Belgium is truly over. I thought that Canada were surprisingly good in their first game, but turns out it was just Belgium being bad. Or maybe a bit of both. Now that I've said this, I bet that Belgium will trash Croatia in their last group stage game and go on to win the World Cup.
They did lose. It was Belgian fans not Moroccan fans. The headline writer in the second article inexplicably attributed the violence to Moroccans. I say inexplicably...
The second article. the mayor appears to suggest the moroccans were celebrating after the Belgians had done the damage.