Beth via Twitter

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Sheriff, Jan 29, 2022.

  1. Red

    Red-Taff. Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
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    If the person(s) a protest is aimed at perceives that protest as abuse then it's abuse.
    In any situation what the protesters don't know is how their 'target' will react.

    Numerous posts recently on this BBS site advocating some form of protest against the owners/officers of BFC.
    (BBS don't seem to object to this!)
    Whatever form those protests may take if the owners/officers feel abused then the protesters are abusing them.

    Regular posts on the BBS slandering/denigrating the owners CEO. If those people feel abused then it's abuse not a 'bit of fun' or 'banter!'
  2. Jul

    Julian Broddle's Perm Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2016
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    Personally, I think the posts that refer to ‘two camps’ are suggesting one group going about things the right way, and the other, seemingly, the wrong way.
    You sit in the ‘right way’ camp so take it as a pat on the back from them.
    Loko the Tyke likes this.
  3. Fon

    Fonzie Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2012
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    Just to confirm this 'Two Camps' thing that I wrote this morning.

    It was just the easiest way (or so I thought) to describe those who want The Board out. There are those who do it quietly and professionally with engagement, and those who like to chuck beer at stewards and then rant on Facebook.

    I generally talk rubbish though, so can see why there's confusion.
  4. troff

    troff Well-Known Member

    Aug 29, 2009
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    And how exactly does he know that for a fact? Haha load of rubbish, he just can’t know that for a second.

    I’ve commented on that to him too.
    JamDrop likes this.
  5. Fon

    Fonzie Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2012
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    Yeah I've just seen what you posted - 100 percent agree.
  6. Brush

    Brush Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Was this when all the stewards dashed up the west side of the Ponty and went through to the concourse? I thought the boss steward was going to have a connery....
  7. She

    Sheriff Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2006
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    More interesting was his reference to having spoken to two members of "a certain forum" behind the scenes to apologise for the actions of someone who is no longer a member of the group (fair enough so far), and then states that their response was to "throw slander at me." He also says that they're saying things behind his back, which he doesn't appreciate. The irony of this is that he's recorded this on a Facebook page that they're banned from, so have no means to access it directly.

    I don't know the guy at all, but that's fairly pathetic behaviour, and all it does is discredit himself as a so-called spokesperson of that group (which I'm a member of, as I share its long-term goal, if not the methods its going about to achieve them). Why even bring it up in a post that's supposedly about the actions of fans yesterday?
    TitusMagee likes this.
  8. icer

    icer Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    Ah ok, yes of course I’m happy to expand further. As i stated that I would guess most fans dont know too much about the trust or the Conway out organisations but they do represent two methods of approaching a common topic. I think many aren’t too clued up on who or what the ‘camps’ are. Fonzie i think made a decent point though that people seem to becoming polarised to one view or another. I believe though that most fans are united in principle that the club direction is in the wrong direction. The way the topic is approached is of course the issue. There is clearly vying for attention on the same topic but with very different agendas on how it should be done. So i agree with you that two camps isn’t a healthy position but I’m not sure most fans see two sides. Personally i think it would be better if there was a united front from fans (not necessarily an affiliation to a ‘camp’) as a whole but i dont know how that would be best positioned and how fans could be represented. It seems the trust are taking a very engaging stance and i think the more professional one. I dont know how the trust works so can’t comment too much. The Conway out element is more worrying for me as it seems to be the ‘loose canon’. So in a nutshell I’m not advocating multiple camps nor aligning to any organisation, but i wonder how fans as a whole can be united and represented. That’s essentially my view. What’s your thoughts?
    Archerfield and Loko the Tyke like this.
  9. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 4, 2005
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    Makes total sense to me. Apologies if my first reply came across as asking you to explain something I thought was wrong, or was disagreeing with, it was more to understand what you meant. I don't think you can truly be aware of what the supporter feeling is unless you understand and listen to many different supporters - and there's lots out there. The train 'group' yesterday that I went with from London aren't interested in any kind of protest at all and not aware of everything 'going on' the last week or so - they just think we messed up the manager appointment and signed some duds.

    In regards to what you've said I think you're right, which I kind of touched on above. You can definitely be guilty of thinking the BBS, Twitter and Facebook are wide reaching, which they are to an extent, but the supporter base is huge and if you close down debate and discussion you're essentially in your own little echo chamber with people who think the same as you do. This leads to comments being made that give a false impression of opinion, or put false importance on something. The 'camp' that the Trust is trying to operate in, or position itself, is one that recognises like we all do how badly things have collapsed, but is also conscious that we're thinking of the long term future of the club at the same time. A united front is definitely the best way forward, but tricky given how many different thoughts are out there.
    Julian Broddle's Perm and icer like this.
  10. icer

    icer Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
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    I agree that the opinion of fans is something to truly understand. Having been around the club as a fan for 50 years and knowing many fans and employees over the years, some close to the club, some in different cities, different countries etc the balance of views is important. I guess in some way that is part of my point. The ‘camps’ and social media platforms doesn’t really represent the fans as a whole. But equally they represent a part. I also take input from fans of other clubs. The less emotional, at a distance observations are usually another interesting view when triangulating opinions.
    Loko the Tyke likes this.
  11. Loko the Tyke

    Loko the Tyke Administrator Staff Member Admin

    Oct 4, 2005
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    I've seen the video and this is the part that really struck me. What slander is being thrown and what am I saying behind his back? As it's obvious those two people are myself and @Gally.

    The issue with saying those things to a closed Facebook group, where the majority of people watching share your views, is that you're almost deliberately furthering the divide with comments that aren't fully accurate. Which makes the comments that followed later in the video about 'not wanting any divisions' and 'everyone under a community banner' slightly bizarre considering open discussion isn't welcomed. Lets remember we weren't kicked off the Facebook group for being rebellious, or discrediting their aims or goals, or invalidating what they think. We were kicked off because we suggested much more info was needed for supporters to be able to make an informed decision and back what they're doing.

    Luke did message me a few days after this Facebook debacle. Very well reasoned, fair, apologising, etc. No issue there and no issue with him personally - which I've repeated on here whilst trying to avoid the tit for tat insults going around. I replied that same night, in length, and gave similar thoughts to what I post on here. There's where the conversation started and ended. Myself and Gally also jumped on a call with a Barnsley supporter on Friday, during work time, at that supporter's request, to talk about what's going on and what's been said. I mention this to show that there's no closed book here, slander being thrown, or comments behind backs. This is a forum where all comments are available to read and everytime I post I'm fully aware of that.
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2022

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