What a goal that is! If you watch him on the highlights video he is on his bottom about 2 seconds before he scores. He gets up and it's as if he knows that the ball is going to come to him, stroking it between the post and the diving keeper. I think Hecky's right- along with the other goal it shows he's got incredible instinct.
I'm please someone else noticed this . If he'd stayed on his backside a split second longer the chance would have gone . I'd say smashed more than stroked
I thought it was great that he ran to the fans to celebrate. His teammates had to chase him to join in.
Nice that he ran to the right corner, unlike our Aussie goalscorer the other week who went in the opposite direction, taking his bemused team mates with him
Watch the youtube goal cam- it's brilliant! Especially with headphones for the sound of the ball hitting the back of the net and the roar