Trade with rest of the world overtakes trade with those horrid Europeans First time in decades more than half our exports have gone outside the EU of course the reason is trade with ROW is flat but exports to EU have halved We truly are the first country ever to impose trade sanctions on ourselves
We'll do very well without the self protectionist wannabe superstate that is the EU. Fancy wanting to be part of a bloc that discriminates against any country not within its club. So high and mighty. I see that they are even managing to upset the Germans now, taking legal action against them for the German courts having the gaul to rule differently to the European court. All these trade comparisons at the moment are meaningless with COVID. Take a look when things have recovered in that sense 3-5 years down the line.
Y mean like every single trade organisation in the world? Or indeed any trade deal ever negotiated. We are literally the first country ever in the history of commerce to negotiate a trade deal that makes us worse off. The idea that there’s any kind of positive spin to be put on that is beyond laughable.
It's not just trade is it though. How they treat people from non EU countries who want to live in the EU for instance. At least with the system the UK has adopted now, it's pretty standard from wherever you happen to live in the world. If you are from a non EU country, you are treated like a 2nd class person.
This obsession with growth and greed has put the planet into the climate crisis we see today. I'd settle for a much smaller economy, less international trade and look towards a sustainable green economy and if that means paying more for it through taxes for instance, then let's do it.
We could have kept alignment with the EU on trade and still controlled our borders though. That was Teresa Mays deal. Solved the Northern Ireland problem made trade with EU much easier than it is now. Explain to me why we are better off with the Defeffel deal that even he is now saying was a bad deal despite him negotiating it
Better because we have left the EU. Had too many discussions on the whys to have again. Happy with the decision, end of story. You obviously are massively pro EU, fair enough, each to their own. I'm not going to say you are wrong because they are your views, I don't happen to share them. Yes, even if it makes us poorer in the short term, it's all about how we move forward. Parliament had chance to vote the May deal through so you can't put that on the public, that's down to mainly Labour. If they had backed that, it would have gone through regardless of tory rebels. Boris ended up forcing their hand in the end over his deal or no deal. As for the Australia deal, it is a good start. It does open the door for a lot more of our main export these days 'Service Industries'. We have to learn in this country how to be competitive again. It's not all about price, it is also about quality. We are not forced to eat imports, food is nicely labelled these days to make a choice. I'm astounded sometimes by the lack of faith in the people of the UK, regardless of who is in government.
You're actually arguing that coming out of the EU was designed to achieve a more tolerant immigration policy?
3-5 years, Mogg said it would be 50 years before we see a benefit of leaving the EU, personally I cant wait to see it, I'll be 108
Assuming labelling isnt fudged as part of the deal, and that Schools Hospitals etc dont force it on us I assume you also are happy that the Australians can use methods that are illegal here giving them a competitive advantage over our own farmers .
Imagine if the murder rate in Yorkshire was higher than anywhere else in the country. In order to fix this you go on a shooting spree in every other county so that Yorkshire is no longer the worst. Problem solved?
Supply and demand, it is as simple as that. We will only import what the people in this country are happy to purchase. So if everybody starts to buy Australian Beef then that would tend to signal that they are not concerned around differing standards. But all that is happening is people are given a choice. Personally I prefer buy local produce, happy to pay a bit more for it based on that farm to plate basis.
Imagine the murder rate in the EU was higher than in the UK and in order to fix this you go on a shooting spree to meet the minimum requirement set out by the European courts.
Well, that’s an hilarious take on the simple fact that if the Tories had voted for it, it literally wouldn’t have mattered what any opposing party did. They had the numbers to get it over the line by themselves… but Labour.
We now don’t have a club so we’re discriminating against everybody. Unless you want to give the whole world the freedom to move here then we are now discriminating against anyone who isn’t British, whereas before it was anyone who wasn’t British or European.