Being British isn’t of that much benefit if you’re travelling here from elsewhere, never was (other than your passport allowing you automatic entry). We can now add that if you’re not white but British the lovely folks at Immigration are going to find loopholes to treat you as ‘foreign’ including withholding your right to that passport.
But Labour, But Labour wonder when that old chestnut would arise pmsl. Labour also promised to honour the referendum result and along with the Tory rebels, went against that when May put her deal to Parliament. So my point does indeed stand, they are the reason why we have Boris deal instead 100%.
you do realise that Labour did not break their promise They had no say in the terms May proposed we leave on but wanted to honour the promises made by vote leave that the Tories have totally ignored. We would still have had brexit if Labour had been involved just a less damaging one
The facts are clear Tory rebels and Labour rejected Mays deal. Saying Labour would have done is purely your opinion, nothing more.
Fairly certain you won’t. Which is why the anti immigration slant was played so well by LeaveEU. They literally used the fact that Germany was open to all as a scare tactic to fuel the flames of the racists. It was the Middle Eastern immigrants that could so easily become EU citizens and then have a ‘right’ to move here. It’s amazing how the detail of the campaigns is being conveniently forgotten.
How many times do you need to hear ‘the Conservatives had a majority and needed no help from the opposition’? They even reinstated Tory MP’s undergoing criminal investigations to get over the line. When will the facts land and cut across the lies that exist purely to support a prejudice.
Absolutely this. Some on here were warning of the far right in Germany rising because of inward migration from the middle east and Turkey. France has had sizeable influx of migration from the north and central african regions. Belgium and Netherlands too.
See above from DWLC^ Do you remember Farages poster? Was it a swarm of Polish plumbers they were stoking the flames with? German engineers? Spanish waiters? Or was it dark skinned ‘dirty foreigners’?
How many times do you need to hear that when a vote is cast in Parliament every vote counts. It's not about help from the opposition. Labour promised to honour the referendum then did everything in their power to stop it and pretended they didn't have a policy on it. I did not vote for Labour for them to subvert that, I expected them to vote through a deal. Remember we didn't vote for a deal it was to remain or leave, full stop. It ended up being one of the decisions that cost Labour such a damaging election, returning the Tories.
There a 2nd class citizen alarms going off at the home office now for British born professional people who happen to be non white.
Not even sure who you mean. If it's supposed to say I'm posting under another name as well you are talking utter b o ll ocks.
Assuming from this you aren't living pay check to pay check. If you are and you say you want a smaller economy I think we can probably stop the debate here.
None of your business although you are free to assume what you want. Great you stopped by for the debate and left so soon though.
Love how MDG continually shoots his/ herself in their own foot and carries on. Blaming Labour for something the Tories could’ve voted through themselves. Lol, lol and thrice lol