He's not on BBS because he's a Leeds fan and by the way he was the only owner. Family Business. I am going to try and get you his number by the way.</p>
Scene & Heard, that brings back memories, just down from Casa Disco. Steve from Casa was from Leeds I think. A good bloke as I remember.
That would explain it. It would be fantastic if you could get his number for me, just great. Ideally the sooner the better but feel free to pass on my details to him also: Craig Oldham / hello@craigoldham.co.uk / 07843439137 Thanks so much for your help. Craig.
I don't remember Scene and Heard personally, although for some reason I think I can remember another record shop nearby. Was it where Abbey National now is or near there? I could be confusing it with Andy's Records up the side street.
If I remember right Scene n Heard was only maybe 2 or 3 doors down from Casa, maybe next door up to what's Leeds BS now?
I see the the guy who owned it in the pub on a thursday evening most weeks. I don't really know him but I'll print your post out & pass it on to him if he's there tomorrow
That would be fantastic. Thursday would be great as I'm looking to get in touch with him as soon as possible. If you could also pass on my contact details also that would be superb. Craig Oldham / hello@craigoldham.co.uk / 07843439137
Used to love Casa Disco I remember he used to give you the promotional posters if you bought the record, it really was an Aladdin's cave of a shop. He also used to sell the South Riding fanzine which was always a bonus. What was that other record shop that's now a greasy spoon at the back of BHS / Boots? Was it EGS?
There was a rival to Casa Disco a few doors down... Scene & Heard was the shop, lots of US imports with the corner clipped off the album sleeves and bundles of 7" singles.
Hello mate, contact Maurice (hes a distant cousin) he is incharge of the local history department and I know that he has loads of archieves and personal contacts for this sort of thing, Barnsley historical society etc... Maurice dealt with my late fathers (a keen local photographer) photograph collection ensuring that the collection went to the appropriate people when he past away.
EGS Records I worked at the first shop in Wakey for a few years - it was up in the Bullring, then moved into the Ridings when they built it. Owned by Alan & Carrie - top people - and named after their three daughters, Emma Georgina & Sarah. JAT Records opened up in the Bullring and there was quite a fierce rivalry; we used to send the Saturday lads over to JAT with armfuls of EGS carrier bags - anyone coming out of JAT with a bag used to get given an EGS one to put over the top. Free advertising!! Loved working there - nowt quite like unboxing new LP's....