And both teams like to play proper football to be fair. Got a bad feeling we’ll be missing a senior player tonight.
3 games in a week is a big ask. Those players who have to start would normally be our backups, but without McGeehan, Brown and Moore, we are spread a bit thin. Just listening to Tonge's interview from yesterday and he said that there are a few concerns about fitness. Last thing we need is any more injuries. He also said that he never beat them as a player and its one of those teams we always seem to have problems with. There is a lot against us tonight, and I think most people would probably agree that a loss would be understandable given the circumstances. But... if we can win away tonight with the odds stacked, then it will show great resilience, as well as giving us 7 points on Sunderland.
Same team apart from managers changes , the lads know it's within there grasp so will keep on fighting
That just my opinion Keith I thought they were decent better than Plymouth. If it wasn't for Davies and pinnock it would have been embarrassing that Donny game at home.