Fanatics - Barnsley FC

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board' started by Menai Tyke, Aug 14, 2023.

  1. SuperTyke

    SuperTyke Well-Known Member

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    #41 SuperTyke, Aug 15, 2023
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2023
    If they gave a toss about fans then we wouldn't still be having this conversation about comms as they have had a number of years just sort this particular area of the club out and let's be honest it is the easiest department to sort out, all it takes is to employ somebody who cares about fans in charge of communications as surely anyone who did would be able to see fans frustrations and would issue communications in a manner that addresses them without antagonising people.

    Sadly we simply don't have this at the club and haven't throughout Khaleds tenure which has been littered with communication issues from the very start with the disgraceful west stand ********, then the vouchers silence in the face of complaint after complaint which was eventually dealt with by embarrassed 'shop floor' level staff rather than the higher ups. In the last few months alone we've had pathetic communication regarding shirts, a disgraceful statement about the carparks which appeared extremely aggressive and deliberately antagonistic, illegal advertising of rimmingtons, a balls up and refusal to acknowledge the play off tickets scam, season ticket problems and yet another piece of communication that sought to blame supporters for a problem at the club's end, cancelling friendlies without giving reasons and many more.

    It shows a complete disregard for supporters and makes the one or two carefully worded statements that Khaled puts out praising fans and asking for support nothing but hollow words. They're insincere as all other communication shows the real feeling towards the fans which comes across as 'weve got your money now shut up'. It can't continue and either Khaled has to change it extremely quickly or he needs removing from his position at the club.

    And I hope someone from the club shows him this post as every word is correct and he should read it, feel shame for what he's overseen and take steps to change it.
    Menai Tyke likes this.

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