Recently I have tried to copy paste /drag drop OR CTR C/Ctrl V some small images onto posts. The images flashes onto the post but is immediately replaced with the following message... The following error occurred: A server error occurred. Please try again late I did get one that worked a couple of days ago but now it is reporting the same error. Any ideas? PS I made sure they were 'free' images i.e. not copyrighted
I've been here since 2006 and I never knew that you can just copy&paste images like that! Seems to work just fine for me. Have you tried this with different images?
Same here I can’t post a picture since the site went down a few weeks ago. I’m no tech so do not understand much. I just normally save a pic to my pictures in my phone and transfer it from there. Unfortunately this method no longer works.
That one is working because it's just linking to an external image (on the BFC site) rather than trying to upload it
Ah indeed, I didn't even think about uploading. Has that actually worked before? I've always uploaded any images to a hosting site before posting them here...
The 'upload file' in the menu options on the edit page is no longer there so I suspect that is something to do with it. I used to use that to add pictures but so drag/drop. Copy/paste from files on my laptop/ phone also worked. The darg drop DID work once very recentlyfor me after several attempts.
No idea why its different but it used to always work before the server move. You could either by use the upload image link or just copy and paste with the snipping tool directly into the message Now if I try and paste an image directly in I get an error It looks like the paste is trying to create a directory and thats not allowed - not sure why its not just creating a file but I dont really know how it worked before - it just did mkdir(): Permission denied <edit - additional error info removed > I have no idea - maybe @Gally changed something either deliberately or by accident - or maybe the new server doesnt support this anymore
Think there’s a limit to what the server can accept. In the past I tried upping the size limit in admin panel but made no difference. Server Setting would need changing by gally to allow larger images
I did wonder if size mattered so reduced the size to a small jpg and it still failed. The one that did work a couple days ago, whilst small was bigger than today's attempt which failed
If your copy pasting from internet then the file type may also be an issue. Not always standard .jpg or .png
Maybe but I download then save picture files and convert to jpg (and resize if necessary) before copying to a post
That's a permission issue on the server the forum software is unable to create a folder in the place images are meant to be stored. Tbh I'd recommend removing that from your post, as it gives away file paths for where things are stored on the server, which can be useful to hackers in the event something gets compromised.